Chapter 24: Recovery

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Two months later...
Friday, November 13th; 1:30 AM
Paris Brooks-

"Jamar stop touching me. I don't wanna do that right now." I said as I laid in his bed on my phone.

"Man what's up with you?" He sat up next to me. "You never wanna do nothing no more. We haven't had sex in over 3 months"

I sat up. "First of all nigga ya daddy is home, as well as your mother. Second of all if I'm not in the mood to fuck you nigga I ain't got to!" I stood up and got my stuff to leave.

"First of all they're fucking sleep. These is thick walls girl. And second of all, that's always your excuse, 'your parents is home, I'm not in the mood' all that other bullshit. You keep acting so high strung like you need some damn dick. I don't know what your problem is but you should fix it." He said while on his phone. He looked up once he noticed I opened the door.

"Aye where you going?"

"Away from you." I said.

"Baby-" He said pulling my arm.

I pulled away from him and pushed him into the door. "Jamar I will beat the fuck out of you. Leave. Me. ALONE."

He looked up at me. "You must got another nigga or something huh" He said leaning against the wall.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "No Jamar. Maybe I'm still mourning the death of my brother and just need someone to be up under and hold me—just to make sure I'm o-fucking-kay. Sex doesn't solve all our problems. But if you're that fucking horny go get your sock and some fucking lotion nigga." I said before exiting the front door.

He followed through the front door.

"Yeah well find yo ass a ride too cause I ain't taking you no where in my damn car!" He yelled.

"Nigga you say that like I need you! Fuck you nigga!" I yelled from the top of his drive way.

I opened my phone, went to FaceTime, and called Raelyn.

After a few rings, she picked up.

"Hey boo what's up?" She said. I heard Kam and her brother, Mikey in the background.

"Could you come pick me up please?" I cried.

"What? Where ar-"

"Please get away from Kameron and Mikey so they won't hear you"

She walked in the room. "Where are you Bubba?" She said in a disappointed tone.

"I'm at Jamar's house...I'll explain when you get here just please come get me I'll text you his address."

"Okay baby here I come" she said then hung up.

I sat on the edge of his driveway waiting for her.

10 minutes later...

I seen her bright headlights to her black Mercedes truck pull up.

"Paris get yo ass in the car!" She said rolling the passenger window down.

I laughed as I got up and opened the door.

"Thank you so much"

"Mmh. He kicked you out?" She said as she started driving.

"No. I left myself." I said playing with my nails.

"Girl what happened?" She looked at me. "You been crying?"

"I'm just stressed out. I dropped out of college in less than a month of being there, my brother died, and it's like all I wanna do is be up under Jamar and I just want him to hold me, but all he wanna do every chance he get is have sex."

To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now