Chapter 32: Big Moves

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Monday, December 28th
3:00 PM
Grand Opening...

"I'll let you do it." Raelyn handed me the big scissors.

"Alright y'all count down from 5!" She said to the crowd who was about to watch me cut the ribbon to our brand new shop.


I cut the ribbon right at one. Wow. I'm a business owner.

Everyone cheered.

"Alright y'all ready?" Raelyn said.


She looked at me. "Welcome to the Brooks' Spa!" We said together.

"I'm proud of y'all!" My dad said to me and Raelyn as we opened the doors to our new shop.

"Bitch I know you better hook me up for the free shits." Alexys said looking around the salon.

"Alexys shut up sometimes you always talking" Kyla hit him in the head.

"Girl fuck you" He said hitting her back.

"My boo making big moveessss. I see you girl." Adrian recorded me on IG as everyone walked around the salon.

"Yeah yeah allat allat" I laughed as I did a lil spin.

"Refreshments are this way everyone!" I laughed at Raelyn who was trying to do everything at once.

"Raelynnnn. Calm down everyone knows where everything is. You need to relax." I said as I wrapped my arm around her neck.

She sighed. "I am so ready for this God damn vacation."

I laughed at her hormonal ass. "You done packing?"

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "No."

We shared a laugh.

"So will you guys be taking appointments today?" Someone walked up and asked.

"Yes we also take walk in-" I stopped as I started to recognize her face.

"What's the problem?" Cari said to me as she folded her arms.


"Look girl. Ima try my best not to curse you out at my event," I semi whispered. "But Ima let you know right now you won't be sitting in a single chair in our shop. So I'd suggest you leave—especially if you brought yo dumb ass boyfriend with you."

"Girl you're so jealous of me." She laughed.

"Jealous of what exactly? Cause I don't want a damn thing you got. At all." I said.

"You jealous cause I'm carrying Jamar's seed bitch. You jealous cause Jamar been eating my pussy since y'all started dating. Jealous cause I'm making money hoe. That's what you jealous of."

When I tell you I CHUCKLED.

"First of all-" I said before looking at Adrian across the shop lightly push Jamar, moving him to the front  door.

To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now