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'Stop! You're hurting him!'

'You monster!'

'You do not belong here!'

'Get back to your own kind!'

Taehyung ran. He ran as fast as his legs could move.
He looked behind him, serval kids of his age were running after him, throwing stones and swearing at him. A well-thrown stone hit his temple. He hissed - showing his fangs on both sides and pressing his ears flat on his head.

'He has fangs!'


He looked behind him once again but forgot where he had to go. He tripped and with a yelp, he rolled down a hill. The kids were laughing and kept throwing stones at him. They hit him well, his body hurting of the pointy stones and the speed was they got thrown with. He scrambled up and ran into the woods. The kids didn't follow him there. He ran further into the woods - blood dripping down from the wound on his temple. Tears were streaming from his eyes and he hiccup slightly. He had a stitch in his side from running, but he ignored it.
He pushed bushes aside and looked behind him. Nobody was there. He let himself fall into the ground, onto small branches and fallen leaves. It was a small clearing, very small. The branches and leafs hung so low that if he stood there, he would hit them. It's like he was standing in a bubble of leaves and branches.
His tail swisher behind him for a moment, and then wrapped itself around his waist. His tail was so small, that it couldn't wrap itself fully around its waist. But still, the young boy was still eleven years old.
He sniffled and swiped the tears away from his face. His arms were scratched due to the branches of trees and bushes, his clothes were ripped and he had serval wound on his legs and arms. Feeling the pain expand, he guessed that he would have a lot of bruises tomorrow.

Taehyung breathed shakily, still shook about how the kids reacted to him. The only thing he did, was returning a ball they kicked over the fence. He had climbed over the fence easily and dropped down so he could give the ball back. A nice girl accepted the ball and politely thanked him, but then her friends saw him. She has shouted at them to stop, but they did not.
Taehyung scratched his ear quickly and flinched, one of these kids hit him on the ear, which hurt a lot. He wiped his tears away and started to lick on the wounds on his arms. His mother would usually do that when he had hurt himself, sadly, his mother had passed away.

He heard the sound shuffling of footsteps, the sound of breaking branches. Taehyung looked around, just quick enough to see that the bushes were pushed away. A young boy stepped in Taehyung's hiding place. His eyes widened when he spotted Taehyung. Taehyung jumped up instantly, letting his tail swish behind him and ears perked up angrily.

'Go away!', he hissed - showing off his fangs. 'I'm a tiger!'
The boy looked at Taehyung for a moment, then he ruffled his hair. Two cat ears popped out from underneath his blonde hair. He took his shirt out of his pants and an orange tail got shown. Taehyung looked at the boy for a few moments. He was also a hybrid. The boy's blonde hair was curly, his dark brown eyes beautiful and his lips plump. He had chubby cheeks and was skinny. He was smaller then Taehyung, and also wealthier - clothes nice and fitting him nicely. The boy looked at Taehyung from head to toe. His blue hair was messy and looked filthy, clothes ripped and scratches and wounds everywhere.

'Do you need a hug?', the boy asked.
He spread his arms and waited. Taehyung looked at the boy a few moments, but then the tears started to stream again and nodded. The boy quickly walked to him and embraced him. Taehyung hugged back - and god it was so good to think that someone cared about him. Taehyung cried into the boy's shoulder. The boy didn't complain, he just hugged him even tighter and rubbed his back.
When Taehyung pulled back, his face was tearstained. The boy - wearing a pink sweater paw - used his sleeves to dry Taehyung's tears.

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