Chapter 1: New Faces

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Y/N: What the heck is going on?!

Everyone began to look around to see each other, everyone had seemed to have come in groups, there was a group of twenty, a group of eight, and a group of seven, meanwhile you jus stood by yourself.

Issei: Rias! Do you have an idea of what's happening?!

Rias: No, I'm not sure...

Midoriya: Did someone's quirk bring us here...?

Yang: This is freaky...

Suddenly you all heard a faint voice in the distance, you all looked to see a large building, very different from any school you've ever seen. There was two main parts of the building with two hallways between the two

 There was two main parts of the building with two hallways between the two

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(Minus the people)

Iida: An academy?

???: Yes, you have all been brought here for an...experiment.

You all looked to see a man in a large, loose black cloak, you all sharpened your guard ready to fight if he did anything funny.

???: Hehe, Settle down, I'm not going to hurt you, like I said you have all been brought here for a purpose.

Rias: What kind of purpose?

???: That will be revealed later on, for now, please come with me.

Blake: You expect us to come with you? we don't even know your name!

The cloaked man looked towards the girl before looking forward again and chuckling a little.

???: My real name isn't important right now, just call me "Professor" for now.

With that he began to walk towards the entrance,

Professor: Come on, we don't have all day.

You all looked at each other before following the man, everyone was talking among their groups while you were just walking ahead of everyone silent.

Eventually the Professor guided you to a large auditorium like room. In the front stood the Professor while I front of him were a bunch of seats that were in sections, to the left, there was eight seats, to the right, there was seven seats, and in the middle was twenty seats, there wasn't a seat for you so you decided to just float in the air with your legs crossed.

Professor: Please take a seat.

Y/N: Something tells me I'm not supposed to be here...

Professor: Now, you have all been gathered here for the sake of improvement, I've seen each and every one of you in battle, you are all very capable against your enemies.

The professor then threw off his cloak to reveal a man in a black and white uniform.

(What he was wearing)

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