Chapter 45: Slight Change

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You were beginning to wake up in your sleeping bag as the bright light of the burning star began to blind you, your eyes got watery as you got up and stretched

Y/N: What happened?

At that moment Blake was starting to wake up as well and she noticed you getting up

Blake: Good Morning Y/N.

Y/N: Morning! When did I fall asleep last night?

Blake: As soon as we got back, Why?

Y/N: Just wondering...

You then noticed something that wasn't there before, a cardboard box in the corner of the room

Y/N: Hey, was that always there...?

Blake: Now that you mention

Y/N: I'm gonna go check it out.

With that you got up from the floor and began to slowly walk past everyone who was still sleeping, eventually you made it to the box

Y/N: Hm, Wonder what's inside?

Suddenly you heard a small peep like sound come from the box, you took the risk and reached out to the box to open it when suddenly a person peeled out from the box before you could open it

Suddenly you heard a small peep like sound come from the box, you took the risk and reached out to the box to open it when suddenly a person peeled out from the box before you could open it

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Y/N: A person? Why are they in a box?

Blake: They could be shy

You decided to try and talk to this mysterious person from a safe distance for them

Y/N: Hey there, are you okay?

???: Mhm...

Y/N: Would you like it if I kept my distance?

???: Mhm...

With that you back up a bit forgetting about your surroundings, you slipped on your back and fell right onto none other than Bakugo, waking him up

Bakugo: *Groan* Hey! Some people are trying to sleep here!

Bakugo's sudden yelling caused the person in the box to squeal in fear and hide further in the box

Y/N: S-Sorry Bakugo, just trying to help this person over here...

Bakugo: So you fell on me?!

Everyone else began to wake up as well thanks to Bakugo as Weiss began to whine

Weiss: Uh...Helloo?! We're trying to sleep here!

Caulifla: Oh...Shut up...

Y/N: What time is it?

Blake: It's about 6:00 in the morning

Y/N: Oh wow, we still have some time to sleep...

With that you walked back to your sleeping bag and crawled in, you eventually dozed off to sleep

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