Chapter 91: Beatdown

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With that you bolted towards Ark as you screamed at the top of your lungs, Ark got into a fighting stance as everyone else began to talk amongst themselves

Midoriya: I don't think that's a good idea...

Ruby: Y/N's Super Strong! I bet he can make it through this!

Issei: ...

You were close enough to land a punch to ark as you reeled your arm back and disappeared and reappeared behind him, you were about to land the blow when suddenly he turned around quicker than light and spin kicked you in the side of your torso, making you gag and cough up blood

Everyone went wide eyed in both surprise and concern as you went bolting towards a nearby mountain, as a whistle could be heard from the speed you were traveling, you crashed into the mountain as it bursted into bits

Kiba: That was just one kick...!!

Jaune: Professor! Do something!!

The Professor stood completely still as the ground suddenly began to shake, a beacon of white light soon bursted from where the mountain used to be as you came rising into the sky

Y/N: Tch, if this was when we first met, I probably would of been dead before I crashed, but you're not facing the same boy from

You suddenly flew towards him as you reeled to fist back and gritted your teeth with a menacing frown


With that you shot your fist forward as it smashed into Ark making a loud sound, everyone flinched and saw that he caught your fist perfectly as he began to tighten his grip on your hand

The fingers forming your fist soon spread out, opening your hand, the bones in your hand began to shift and crack as you screamed in pain

Ark: I will admit you have become stronger...

As Ark Finally let go of your hand he zoomed right past you as an orb of dark red Ki formed in his hand behind you

Ark: You still have no chance...

With that you were suddenly blasted by a large ball of Ki from behind as it began to push you towards the ground, eventually the Ki blast it then ground with you stuck in front of it as it began to dig into the ground


Yang: Y/N!!!


A large web of began to form in the ground as you were being taken deeper and deeper underground

Ark: Looks like my little attack has dug you your grave...Now die...

As those exact words were said, the ball of Ki bursted causing a massive explosion, you were of course caught in the explosion as you were engulfed by the blinding light

Soon enough the light from the explosion faded as everyone looked to see a massive hole next to the stadium

Kirishima: No way...!!

Kale: Y/N...Lost...?

Ark: He was puny but I'll give him some credit for the effort, of course it was for nothing in the end, just means that this place will be blown to ashes sooner than I thought...

Ark suddenly raised one arm into the air as a giant ball of Ki formed above him, it began to shake the entire area as everyone covered their eyes

Ark: What a disappointment...

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