Chapter 86: The Real Battle Begins

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You were now sitting in a special balcony with the rest of the remaining contestants, ready to watch the first match that was between Todoroki and Koneko

Asia: I believe in you Koneko! You can do it!

Midoriya: You can Win this Todoroki! Show her what you're made of!

With that the two of them stared each other down before the buzzer went off

Todoroki, wasting no time, immediately used his quirk and sent a slant of ice towards Koneko who reeled her fist back and punched the ice, completely shattering it

Todoroki then took out his left arm and sent a raging inferno towards Koneko who couldn't just punch her way through this time

Instead of punching, she jumped away and rolled to the side as a wall of ice blocked her path

Todoroki: It was a nice try...

With that he raised both of his arms and formed a ball of Fire and Ice in his hands and got into a Kamehameha kind of stance

Todoroki: I have L/N to thank for the Idea...

With that he thrusted his arms forward shooting a large ball of fire and ice towards Koneko who was now surrounded by ice, she broke out but before she could avoid the attack she was hit and sent out of bounds

Intercom: By Ring Out Todoroki wins the match!! Next fight, Blake, originally from Beacon Academy, against Kale of Universe 6!

The two appeared in on the planet and exchanged a leer before the buzzer went off

Kale wasted no time and rushed towards Blake who got ready to defend herself, Kale reeled her fist back and slammed her fist into Blake's face

Kale: Yes!

Suddenly Blake began to fade away confusing kale

Kale: What?!

Suddenly The Real Blake appeared behind Kale with her weapons ready for use

Blake: Like My semblance?

Kale detected the attack and leaped back and over Blake before an orb of Ki formed in her hands

Kale then thrusted her hand forward as Kale fired a large blast of energy at Blake that hit directly sending her out of bounds as well

Caulifla: That's Kale for You!!

Intercom: Also by ring out, Kale wins the match! Next fight, Vali against Scrawl!

The two were instantly warped to the small planet as Vali got ready to fight and stared down the cloaked figure in front of him

Vali: Bot wanting to show your face huh? Then I'll slice it off!!

With that the buzzer went off and Vali went into his balance breaker before bolting towards Scrawl ready to ram him

Scrawl suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Vali with an orb of Ki ready in his hand

Scrawl: Checkmate...

With that Scrawl thrusted his hand forward before Vali was engulfed by a large wave of Ki, Completely Obliterating him and leaving noting behind

The light from the Ki wave eventually faded showing that there was nothing left of Vali, Shocking everyone

Jaune: Y-You're kidding right?!

Kuroka: ...Vali...!!

Intercom: By Total annihilation, Scrawl wins the match! Next fight, Kirishima against Bakugo!

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