Chapter 124: PaintBall

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Cruise Ship: Auditorium

Everyone had just returned from playing hide and seek in a variety of different locations, everyone was back in the Auditorium now awaiting the next event

You were sitting next to Lotus as the two of you chatted with one another while waiting

Y/N: Where did you even hide back there?

Lotus: Places I can't simply give away...

Suddenly The Grand Priest appeared in the front of the room in front of everyone, the entire room going completely silent as he then spoke

Grand Priest: Hello again, Everyone. That settles things for our first event, the second event shall now be underway.

People all around began to talk with one another, wondering what kind of event they'd be going through

Grand Priest: Now now, let's not get too hasty, our second event is the Sport Event, and the sport we have selected is Paintball!

Sero: Paintball? Sounds simple enough!

Grand Priest: Before we begin, just like last time I must explain the rules, everyone will he divided into groups of 24 participants in each arena, if you look under your seats, you shall find your paintball gun.

The Grand Priests words caused everyone including you to check under their seats, to their surprise finding different paintball guns

Your Paintball gun was a rather small compared to most others, it's colour scheme consisting of a mix of blue and green

Your Paintball gun was a rather small compared to most others, it's colour scheme consisting of a mix of blue and green

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Y/N: It's small...but this is probably the best choice for me, a small and light paintball gun allows me to move around easier!

Grand Priest: Your Paintball guns have limited ammo like any other gun, once you run out of ammo, you must wait 5-10 seconds for them to automatically reload depending on the size and mass of your Paintball Gun. To eliminate your opponents, you simply have to hit them with a paintball only once, if the time limit of 15 minutes runs out before there is one person standing, then the one with the most eliminations wins. that sums it up for the rules, there are a set of protective goggles under each seat as well for anyone who would like to wear them.

With that everyone began to glow, and was eventually warped to their respective paintball arenas as you smiled with competitive thoughts

Paintball Arena


Everyone had just been warped as you appeared in a completely different location, the paintball arena you had been warped to was filled with structures to hide in, which wasn't really your style in all honesty

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