Chapter 101: The King's Return

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You and your father were just entering the palace, walking through a very, very, VERY long hallway as you looked around in awe of the structure

Y/N: So with me gone, who's ruled over?

Shailo: That would be King...Well, I guess he's been dethroned since you're here now but, his name is Qaira, he's the most powerful among the celestial Saiyans

Y/N: Okay...What are we going to do once we reach him...?

Shailo: Judging by his cocky and arrogant attitude, You'll most likely be put through a trial to test your strength...

Y/N: Okay...should be a piece of cake...

With that the two of you advanced through the hallway and eventually reached the throne room as you saw a Saiyan in the Center of the room, he had long hair like a Super Saiyan 4 along with the red tail

With that the two of you advanced through the hallway and eventually reached the throne room as you saw a Saiyan in the Center of the room, he had long hair like a Super Saiyan 4 along with the red tail

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Qaira: Shailo, why have you brought this brat into my presence...?

Shailo: I wouldn't call him a brat if I were you, he's the reincarnated King we've heard so much about...

Qaira scoffed and then laughed in a cocky manner before gaining a straight face again

Shailo: You can't be serious, HIM, the reincarnated one?! Don't make me laugh...

Y/N: He just did...

You suddenly sensed another presence approaching the room from the door behind Qaira, they eventually entered the room and walked beside Qaira

It was a female Saiyan with long blonde hair that spilled her shoulders and back, a pink Saiyan Armor version of a crop top with blue pants and boots that looked identical to what Vegeta wore

It was a female Saiyan with long blonde hair that spilled her shoulders and back, a pink Saiyan Armor version of a crop top with blue pants and boots that looked identical to what Vegeta wore

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???: Father? Is someone here...?

Qaira: Shailo here claims that this kid is the reincarnated one...

???: Really?! The Reincarnated one?! I thought that was a recent myth?!

Qaira: That's because it IS a recent myth...

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