Chapter 131: The Evil Gods

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You had just wrapped up your battle with Saitama as the Royal Rumble has more or less come to a close, at the same time, a new Saiyan had appeared, healing you from your fight

You suddenly sprung up from the ground at the sight of this sudden stranger as you backed away a bit to gain a safe distance

???: You shouldn't get carried away in your fights...If I weren't here you would've been in some serious trouble...

Y/N: And just who are you supposed to be?!

???: Please, you don't need to know that right now, what really matters is the situation at hand...

You suddenly heard another voice call out to you in the distance, looking to see your father flying towards the two of you while a few others followed him

Shailo: Y/N, what's going on?

Shailo then looked to see this new Saiyan standing in front of you, almost immediately recognizing this person

Shailo: ...Zalion...?

The Saiyan who your father had called "Zalion", then scoffed as he looked away with his arms crossed

Zalion: What do you want, Father...?


Shailo: It's been days since we've last seen you! You weren't even there for your Brother's return!

Zalion: I was...Busy...hey, Brother, your name's Y/N, Right?

Y/N: Er...Well...Yeah but, where did you—

Zalion: Hear your name? Well, That Girl over there wouldn't shut up about you when you arrived, I questioned a few others, and they said something about "King Y/N had returned"...some King, can't even stay in his own realm...

Daiko who was beside your father, looked down in embarrassment from your Brother calling her out as you glared at him for mocking your title

Y/N: What was that?!

Zalion: Oh don't sulk about it!

The two of you began to grit your teeth and growl as everyone began to either sigh or shiver at the sight

The two of you began to grit your teeth and growl as everyone began to either sigh or shiver at the sight

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Shailo: I guess siblings are always destined to argue...

The two of you suddenly felt a group of different divine energies, both of you going wide eyed as the two of you looked to the left

Zalion: What's that...?!

Everyone else who was just arriving on the scene, looked to see the two of you looking to the left at this sudden energy

Y/N: It's not just one...I sense, Five Main energies, along with a few smaller ones...!

Midoriya: L/N...? Who's that? And what's going on?

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