Halloween Special: Part 2/3

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All of you were walking in a large group as a few of the girls began to get closer to each other for comfort

Ruby: I-It feels like the more that we walk around here the scarier it gets...

Uraraka: You can say that again...!

Y/N: Well be ready, I since a lot of strange energies coming from inside...

Koneko: This isn't going to be an easy night is it...?

Lotus: When the professor is involved, it's never easy...

With that you all reached the large door for the castle, most of the girls hid in the back of the group as you grabbed the door handle and pulled it open

You leered inside to see a large, spacious room,
you called out to anyone who could possibly be inside

Y/N: Hello?! Anyone there?!

Of course there as no answer, you slowly walked in as everyone else soon followed, looking around the room, everyone noticed that there was a lot of strange paintings on the walls

Yang: Who would keep paintings like these...?


Suddenly the door slammed shut as everything went dark, causing most of the girls to shriek in fear

Kasai: Who's there?!


Suddenly the lights went on as the number of people in the group had decreased by a long shot, the only ones that we're around you now were Skylar, Weiss, and Kirishima

Kirishima: What the...?! Where did everyone go?!?!

Suddenly a strange sound could be heard straight ahead the floor in front of you opened to make a square shaped hole

Out of the hole leaped out a large one eyed creature That seemed to be made out of tar or something

Out of the hole leaped out a large one eyed creature That seemed to be made out of tar or something

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Kirishima: Is that what lives here?! Gross!!

Skylar: Kill it Y/N!!

Y/N: Already on it!!

With that you rushed towards the creature at full speed as it let out another distorted roar, a small orb of Ki formed in your hand as you threw it towards the beast

The Ki blast hit the creature but it didn't seem to effect it, the blast just sunk into it's skin

Y/N: What?!

Skylar: If I were to guess, I'd say that it can absorb objects through it's skin! Don't let it touch you!!

Just as those words were being said, Kirishima suddenly rushed at the creature while reeling his fist back

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