Chapter 116: All The Help We Can Get: Part 5

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Capsule Corporation

Erubus, The Monster known for devouring the souls of the deities themselves, had just been slain by your hands, you were very tired and covered in wounds from your battle, the others around you were no different

The sun was beginning to set as you, Lotus, Kasai, Wolf, Glint, Scrawl, and the Gods of Destruction were all headed back to the capsule Corporation, with the building in sight

Wolf: Geez...that thing was tough...

Lotus: I didn't think we'd be doing this much fighting in one day...

Kasai: Must...Rest...Brain...

Y/N: Well at least you guys can rest for the night...I still have a couple of worlds to leap to...

Time Skip

Everyone in the Capsule Corporation room was wandering and worrying about how you were all doing

Blake: Geez...they've been out there for a while...

Asia: The Spirit Bomb did work...right...?

Yang: Of Course it did! There's no way it couldn't have worked! An attack like that would never fail!

Gohan: You'd be surprised...

Caulifla: They're here!!

Everyone drew their attention to the entrance door with their eyes widened as the door opened soon after, revealing you, Lotus, Kasai, and the others all beaten up, but with smiles in your faces

Everyone: THEY DID IT!!

You were suddenly tackled by your whole harem into a hug as Ibara stood next to Lotus and Nuzzled into his shoulder, Ruby rushing to Kasai and giving him a cookie

Weiss: Don't scare us like that you dunce!!

Asia: I prayed as much as a could for you, Y/N!

Tsuyu: I'm not surprised that you made it through, you always do.

Yang: Stop killing the mood and give him the hugs he deserves!!

Blake: You have to admit he did scare us though...but you did take quite a beating worse than that during your training didn't you? That alone is amazing!

Koneko: That's Y/N for you, always breaking himself to get stronger...he's an adorable Dummy...

Y/N: AIR..........!!!!!!!!

Time Skip

After some more cuddling with your Harem, you picked yourself up from the floor and ate a Senzu bean that krillin tossed at you, getting up and stretching like it was nothing

Y/N: Ah Man! A Senzu Bean always fixes you up good!

Vegeta: So you managed to take out this Erubus Creature?

Y/N: Yeah, with the help of all of you that it, without that Spirit Bomb, I wouldn't have gotten the energy to use the Dragon Fist and win, so thank you all!

You then felt a hand placed on your shoulder, looking behind you to see the Grand Priest with a smile on his face

Grand Priest: Splendid Work, Y/N! You've certainly come far since we first met, there's something I'd like to discuss with you, alone...

Y/N: Uh...Sure...

With that you and the Grand Priest turned around and walked out the door, eventually exiting the building and flying onto the roof

Y/N: So what did you want to discuss?

Grand Priest: Very Important matters, I wanted to inform you that by leaping worlds you are using high amounts of energy, these signals would have been picked up by Ark and Archon by now if me and my children were not hiding them.

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