Chapter 120: Bring Down The Priest

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The Null Realm

The Grand Priest had just witnessed you unlock yet another transformation, the only difference between this one and the others was that Super Saiyan 5 was a completely Saiyan Transformation

The Grand Priest had just witnessed you unlock yet another transformation, the only difference between this one and the others was that Super Saiyan 5 was a completely Saiyan Transformation

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Grand Priest: After that little transformation sequence of do you feel, Y/N?

Y/N: I feel...Strange...

The Grand Priest then leaped over on top of a nearby boulder as you looked at your fist, lighting surging from your hand as you clenched your fists a few times

Y/N: It's...different from what I'm used to...but I can control it just fine...I've gotten too comfortable with God much so that I've forgotten what it's like to step into my own pure domain of Saiyan's far from my most powerful transformation, but it feels satisfying...

Grand Priest: So, you're rather intrigued by this sudden evolution of yours.

Y/N: Yeah...

You suddenly took a deep breath and clenched your fists as more lightning began to surge through your body, gaining a golden aura and locking eyes with The Grand Priest's

Y/N: But I think it's about time we've stopped talking and start fighting once again...

With that you suddenly charged towards The Grand Priest, keeping a straight face as you reeled your fist back as The Grand Priest got into a fighting stance

Y/N: Let's see if I still got the hang of things...

Capsule Corporation

Every Saiyan at Capsule Corp was standing on the roof of the building, feeling your energy as Caulifla's face suddenly lit up with excitement

Caulifla: Man! Y/N's gotta teach me some of those forms of his!!

Lotus: Calm down, we don't even know what this is...

Wolf: It feels like Super Saiyan 4...but ascended?

Son: What would that even be called? Super Saiyan 5?

Goku: Man! Y/N's getting stronger every day! Just thinking about fighting him get's me pumped up!!

Meanwhile inside the building, everyone else who was still rather weary of your sudden disappearance, but at the same time relaxed since they believed that you could get off of the bad situation if you were in one

Yang: Well...that's Y/N...ever since I met that guy he'd always just disappear without saying anything!

Kiba: We saw where he went.

Ashido: He went somewhere with That Grand Priest guy...he's kinda weird...

Kirishima: And you didn't tell us?!?!

Todoroki: It's not our position to go around and tell everyone someone else's business...but that's all we saw...they just vanished...

Blake: Whatever crazy god stuff you're doing out there, Y/N...Good Luck...

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