Chapter 48: The Berserker Vs The Devil

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Y/N: now you will witness the Power of a REAL Devil!

Rias: It's that form again!

Yang: Oh no...

You stared Kale down with a wicked smile as she began to charge towards you, she cocked her arm back before shooting her fist forward, making everyone look away as a clashing sound could be heard

There was a short silence before everyone looked back to you and Kale to see that you caught her fist as a Dark aura began to emit from your body

Y/N: Foolish Beast!

Before Kale could react, she received a right hook to her face sending her flying back, she planted her feet to the ground and slid back a few feet

Everyone watched in awe as you landed a clean hit that did some damage, Kale roared in annoyance and flew towards you once again, this time she hit you and sent you sliding back a few feet before you stopped and blasted her away with a Dark Ki wave

Lotus: Can anybody explain to me what me what the heck is going on?!

Rias: Before you arrived at this academy, monsters began to invade the school, me and Issei were occupied in the Library fighting a beast called Yakon when Y/N arrived...

She watched as Kale swung her large arm as you as you dodged perfectly and cackled as you wrapped your legs around her arm and threw her into a boulder

Rias: ...Y/N dealt with the monster easily, Saving us both, suddenly another person named Xarran appeared and impaled Y/N in the chest with a spear, he almost died from the attack when I tried to reincarnate him into my Peerage...

Everyone watched as Kale kicked you in the side, sending you through a boulder before the rubble dropped onto you, you began to power up and blew away the rubble

Rias: ...The reincarnation was a success, but he didn't follow my orders...he tore the evil piece right out of him and almost Killed Xarran...I wasn't expecting this form to stick with him...

All Might: Ah, So this sudden transformation of his has turned him into that of a Villain?

Rias: I'm not sure, after he turned into this we reached everyone else, he soon arrived and killed all of the enemies, we though we were next when he called us "Friends"

Kale Kneed you in the gut making you gag and cough up some saliva before she grabbed you by your hand and slammed you into the ground, she was about to stomp on you when you rolled out of the way

You leaped at her and slugged her in the face, dazing her and causing her to stumble back before behind kicked away by you

Issei: That Form is scary, he won't hesitate to kill anyone who gets in his way...

Rias: But it seems that He'll leave us be if we don't interrupt his fight...

Both Rias and Issei began to think of when you Brutally tore Riser in half with a smile making them get a little scared

Caulifla: You Expect me to sit here when one of them might die?! Yeah right!!

Caulifla went Super Saiyan 2 and flew towards the two of you, she then got in between the two of you as she spread her arms out

Caulifla: Stop it you guys! You aren't yourselves!!

Y/N: Outta My Way!!!

Suddenly You raised an arm before punching Caulifla in the face sending her into a boulder as the whole area shook

Suddenly You raised an arm before punching Caulifla in the face sending her into a boulder as the whole area shook

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