Chapter 97: Deadly Vision

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(This is it everyone, the final Arc of the story, brace yourselves)

1 Week Remaining

It's been a few weeks and since the big event with the heroes of the universe, you had been up to training of course, no getting very far but still making some progress

Everyone else was in the academy getting some rest in as it was night time, your heart racing at the thought of your potentially final battle coming up in just 1 week

You panted heavily as you placed your hands on your knees and looked at the ground

Y/N: *Pant*...Dammit...*Pant*...I gotta get stronger! We only have 1 week left...!!

???: U-Um...

You turned around with slightly wide eyed to see Yang, she looked less cheerful than usual as she began to walk over to you

Yang: Is this a bad time...?

Y/N: N-No that's not it...

Yang stood slightly confused for a second before managing to put the pieces together

Yang: It's Ark isn't it...?

Y/N: Yeah...we only have a week left...I want to get stronger...I NEED to get stronger so I can protect all of you!

Yang: I think this is getting to deep into your head...

Y/N: You don't understand! If we lose, not just us, but REALITY ITSELF IS—

Yang interrupted you by placing her hand on your shoulder with her eyes beginning to water up

Yang: That's not what I meant, I understand that you'd want to get stronger, but you're so focused on it that you can't see what's right in front of you!

You stood there in pure silence for a short moment before gaining a straight face nodding

Y/N: You're right, I can't get overwhelm myself, I need to calm down...Let's get some sleep, I need to clear my head...

Yang nodded and gave you a quick hug before the two of you headed back into the academy, ready for bed

Right before you could place your hand on the doorknob, everything in your vision went white and then black, showing a glowing silhouette in the distance


Yang suddenly gave your shoulder a little nudge as you snapped back to your senses and went wide eyed

Y/N: Huh?!

Yang: Y/N, The door...

You then realized that you were blocking Yang's way into the entrance as you scurried your way inside

Y/N: What was that...?

You eventually made it back to your room, everyone else was just finishing dinner as you walked in

Lotus: Y/N! You're finally here!

Kasai: We were just finishing dinner!

Kale: You did eat...right...?

Y/N: N-No, I'm too busy—

Caulifla suddenly grabbed your arm and dragged you to the table as everyone placed some food in front of you

Caulifla: C'mon, Eat! We saved some for you!

Y/N: Food...maybe this will help me get my mind off of things...

With that you began to scarf down your food as everyone else began to get ready for bed, as you were eating, your vision went black once again as the you spotted the same silhouette

You Must Return

Your vision went back to normal once again as you began to choke on your food, nothing but muffled gags could escape your mouth as Skylar rushed to your aid and patted your back, eventually you swallowed the bits of food and took a deep breath

Skylar: Y/N, is something the matter...? You've been acting different's making me worried...

Y/N: I...Don't Know...

With that you got up and headed for bed, not bothering to change your clothes or even take your shoes/boots off

Kasai: Someone needs to talk to him...

Lotus: I will.

With that Lotus walked into the bedroom to see you on the bed taking off your shoes/boots with a strange look in your eye

Lotus: Y/N...?

Y/N: Yeah...?

Lotus walked over to you and sat next to you, the look of concern in his eyes as you stared at the floor

Lotus: Y/N, you can talk to us, what's the matter?

Y/N: Haven't you realized?! Ark so coming in one week's time! What do we do?! What if I can't do it?!

Lotus: Is this what this is about?

You looked away and nodded slowly as Lotus took a sigh and faced you

Lotus: C'mon Y/N, you've known about this for almost 2 months, we can't afford to back down now.

Y/N: I know, it's just, I don't want to lose all of this, I don't want to lose my friends, my family, my home, my life itself, I want to go on and live my best life!

Lotus suddenly punched you in the face sending you crashing into the wall and gritting his teeth

Lotus: Are you serious Y/N?! What happened to you?!

Y/N: What do you mean?!


You suddenly lunged at Lotus and grabbed him by the throat, pinning him to the wall with your eyes turning red


Your vision suddenly changed again as the silhouette returned to you

You Must Return I K G N Y/N

Your vision went back to normal as you suddenly realized your actions, immediately releasing Lotus from your grasp and backing away

Lotus gagged while holding his throat as you began to tremble

Y/N: I-I...I-I...

Lotus: Y/N...

You suddenly turned around and flew out the window as you could hear Lotus calling your name, some of the others from different rooms coming in to see what was going on

Meanwhile two beings watched you leave the building as one of them spoke up

Val: He's gone, now's the perfect time.

??? 2: Yes, it's time you've let loose, Deku...

Suddenly a third being walked out from the shadows as they looked at the academy and smiled an evil one

???: Oh Yes, Everything will be chaotic now, because I AM HERE.

???: Oh Yes, Everything will be chaotic now, because I AM HERE

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