Chapter 81: Rise Of A New Devil

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It was a pretty normal day for the Academy, You and your friends had grown a little closer thanks to your little road trip

You were currently walking out of class as everyone was getting stuff out of their lockers, Lotus and Kasai then approached you

Lotus: Yo Y/N!

Y/N: Hey guys, Need something?

Kasai: Well...We've been wondering for a while did you get so strong? We know
That you trained, but what kind of training?

With those words said, everyone began to draw their attention towards your conversation, especially Caulifla

Y/N: was hard, No breaks, with 10'000 tons on each limb, base form only, for a whole year...

Suddenly Tokoyami and Pyrrha butted into the conversation

Pyrrha: Must have been hard...

Tokoyami: I have a question, mostly out of curiosity, Just why do you wear an eye patch now?

Y/N: Well...


You were in the white dimension training with all 12 gods of destruction, a 13 person, Everyman for himself free for all

Ki blasts and Beams of Ki were being shot everywhere by the gods as you did your best to avoid them

Y/N: Holy Crap!! Settle it down!!

Sidra: Absolutely Not!!

You kept dodging the blasts as the base form only policy and the extra 40,000 tons you were carrying didn't help

Suddenly a Small Ki blast zoomed past your face and grazed your eye, but sense the blast was from a god, it damaged it heavily

Your eye began to bleed quite a lot as you screamed in pain, the other gods just continued their fight

Y/N: GAH!!

Flashback End

Y/N: ...And That's pretty much what happened...

Momo: Why Don't you just use a Senzu bean?

Y/N: ...

Lotus: Y/N...?

Y/N: Cause it looks cool...

With that everyone fell over and yelled in surprise

As the day went on you began to pick up a strange energy coming from an unknown location, eventually the school day came to a close as you began to investigate outside

You searched trees, Bushes, Sky, you even somehow checked underground, but nobody was found

Y/N: What the hell...? Where's this energy coming from...?

???: Looking for someone?

You looked up to see a lady with a black dress, long white hair, with blue horns and a dragon like tail

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