Chapter 139: Beach City

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You had just made a few new friends who happened to be monsters of the Underground in this new world, everyone was now standing dumbfounded with wide eyes as the Gem you found had just formed into a small person

???: Uh...What just happened...?

Y/N: I was wondering the same thing...

???: Where am I...? Who are all of you guys...? You all look kinda weird...

Undyne: HUH?!

Y/N: Undyne Relax, What's your name...?

???: I'm an Amethyst, so just call me that, it's what I go by.

Y/N: Alright then, "Amethyst", what exactly happened to you?

Amethyst gave off an unsure look as she hesitated to answer, but at the same time somehow not really caring so she answered anyway

Amethyst: Well...I was takin a walk with Steven...and then...Poof! I'm gone and now I'm here!

Toriel: W-Well, You wouldn't happen to be from the Surface, would you...?

Amethyst: Surface...? What are you talkin about?

Asgore: You see, where you stand at this very moment is where monsters like us had to resign and make due.

Amethyst: I'm underground...? Why can't we just leave?

Alphys: If only it were that simple...

Y/N: Anyway, I noticed that you're clearly not from here, to tell me what you are...?

Amethyst: I'm a Gem, Duh. I thought that was obvious.

Y/N: A Gem, I knew you seemed familiar!

Amethyst: Huh...?

Y/N: You wouldn't happen to know anything about Bismuth would you?

Amethyst: You know Bismuth?!

As Amethyst looked at you on surprise, You began to scratch the side of your head as you chuckled nervously

Y/N: It's Kind of a long story, I was World Hopping one day when I suddenly really had to use the bathroom, so I stopped and ended up in your world, I asked the closest person to me who happened to be Bismuth, where the closest rest room was, and then I ran like there was no tomorrow and used the restroom as planned.

Amethyst: Uh...Sounds Kinda suspicious, first of all how can you go "World Hopping"...?

Y/N: As much as I'd like to answer your questions I don't have much time left, so I'm going to take you back to your own world right now, okay?

Amethyst: do we do that?

Y/N: Simple.

You suddenly raised your hands as you had done in the past as you began to emit a bright white light, however, you had only planned to bring Amethyst, nobody else, that plan went down hill when everyone else got some reason got a bit too close and warped with you, that was with the exception of Mettaton who was in the next room doing who knows what

Time Skip

All of a sudden you along with everyone else appeared in the next world, which happened to be where Amethyst originated from, Beach City, with a large sculpture of a strange looking woman on the mountain in front of you

All of a sudden you along with everyone else appeared in the next world, which happened to be where Amethyst originated from, Beach City, with a large sculpture of a strange looking woman on the mountain in front of you

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