Chapter 162: The Final Showdown

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Y/N: Then Let's Finally Finish This!!!

You and and a Powered down Ark were now standing in the middle of the battlefield, engaged into a stare down, Ark clenching his fists as you got into a fighting pose

Y/N: I don't have much left in me, Super Saiyan is the only thing I can ascend to right now, and I doubt that we have anymore Senzu beans so I'll have to fight him like this...

You then looked to Ark and remembered that the first time that you fought him, you were able to match him with the Power of Super Saiyan 2

Y/N: ...He's Powered down too, by a long shot...but I can tell he still has a little trinket of God Ki left...that along with the Zenkai Boosts he's been given...He should be around my Level now...

As Ark opened one of his balled up fists, everyone else watched, clearly stressed out and wanting this war to be over

Momo: So this is it...

Rias: Everything that we've been fighting for has led up to this moment...

Nora: Please win Y/N, You've got this!

Todoroki: There's Nothing we can really do for now but watch...Y/N is our last hope...

All of a sudden a Ki blast from another entity came flying towards the large crowd of students and Saiyans as Lotus smacked it away

Kasai: Who's That?!

Lotus: Someone we know...

Everyone watched to see Teigri touch down onto the ground, she was clearly beyond Angry as her entire body was severely wounded, but she faced Everyone nonetheless

Teigri: *Pant*...You Think...*Pant*...That you could get rid of me so easily?!

Lotus: Everyone stand back...

Lotus then stepped out of the crowd and faced the angry Saiyan as Kasai walked up next to him and smiled

Lotus: We've got this!

With that both Lotus and Kasai emitted their own auras and charged towards their Opponent, a large explosion emitting from their clash as You and Ark noticed this

Y/N: Lotus...Kasai...

Ark: Hm, I didn't think Teigri was still matter, it doesn't concern us nor does it concern our Battle!!

Y/N: Damn Right it doesn't! Let's Go!!

With that your feet left the ground as you once again engaged with Ark one last time, flipping yourself around and going in for a kick, only for Ark to dodge and counter with a punch to your side

You then growled in slight pain as you then smirked and grabbed Ark by his arm that he used to punch you, pulling him in and delivering a nasty right hook to his lower jaw

Kaminari: At least we don't have to worry about dying while watching, Right...?

Tokoyami: I suppose so, I remember the fiery look in Y/N's eyes when I saw him transform into a Super Saiyan for the first time.

Yang: Yeah! That was a great day!

Akeno: Mhm, and he was quite the looker, and had the strength and experience to go with it~

Your battle raged on as All of a sudden Ark appeared right in your face with his fist clenched and his arm winded back, ready for another punch

Acting quickly you crossed your arms into an X in front of you as Ark's fist smashed into your crossed arms, pushing you back a bit as a boulder behind you then shattered to pieces

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