Chapter 130: The Hero Nobody Knows

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Royal Rumble Arena

The 4th and Final Main event, The Royal Rumble, was now underway as everyone was going at it with no mercy to give. Saitama had just entered the ring, catching everyone's attention with his presence and bringing them to a sudden halt

You were currently engaged in a stare down with the Caped Baldy as you had activated your Ultra Instinct to battle him, only this time it was it's full form

Midoriya: Y/N...!

Ruby suddenly gasped with both shock and excitement, somewhat recognizing the form you had suddenly taken in the ring

Ruby: *Gasp* It's the shiny thing!!

Jaime: "Shiny Thing"...?

Ruby: Yeah! When he goes like that he's all like...

Ruby suddenly started doing what looked like a variety of Kung Fu poses as she began to make strange sounds, Confusing Jaime who still had no clue what was going on

Ruby suddenly started doing what looked like a variety of Kung Fu poses as she began to make strange sounds, Confusing Jaime who still had no clue what was going on

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Jaime: ...Neat I guess...

Meliodas: What's going on with Y/N...?

Piccolo: Ultra Instinct...!!

Ban: Ultra what now?

Vegeta: Since when did Y/N master Ultra Instinct...?!

Midoriya: He's been able to do that for a while now! He did some sort of training with The Professor—Uh, I mean the Grand Priest!

Goku: Y/N...I knew you had gotten stronger...but THIS IS CRAZY!!

Y/N: You ready for round 2, "Hero for Fun"...?

You continued to stare Saitama down with a mighty glare, your Ultra Instinct Aura glistening in the middle of the ring

You continued to stare Saitama down with a mighty glare, your Ultra Instinct Aura glistening in the middle of the ring

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Saitama: Oh, that Ultra Thing again, I don't remember your hair changing to, you managed to actually hurt me last time, I'm hoping you can provide an actual challenge this time around!

Saitama suddenly gained a serious expression on his face, however, by looking into his eyes you could tell that he was excited for this new challenge

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