Chapter 18: Train For The Tournament

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All of you were outside getting ready to train, you began to do some stretches, Everyone was practicing their Quirks, Sacred Gears, or Semblances. You began to do some quick push ups

You were about to start your real training when Todoroki confronted you.

Todoroki: Hey L/N.

You looked up at Todoroki with an excited expression on your face.

Y/N: Hm? What's up Todoroki?

Todoroki: I was hoping if you could help me train my Quirk, I'm still yet to get the hang of my fire since I started using it so late...

You leaped up onto your feet startling Todoroki, you gave him a thumbs up.

Y/N: Sure! I was just about to start training myself!

You leaped away from Todoroki to gain a safe distance, Todoroki began to emit frost from his right side.

Y/N: Ready when you are!

Todoroki: Alright!

Suddenly a slant of Ice was sent towards you, you leaped into the air to see another slant of ice, you aimed your palms down and shot two Ki waves at the ground sending you up, avoiding the attack.

Todoroki: That ability of yours is so confusing, you have some incredible strength, you're very sleek and fast, you're able to transform and fly, and use energy to shoot lasers from your hands.

Y/N: If I really tried I could shoot Ki from my feet!

Suddenly you zoomed towards Todoroki and reeled your arm back, you went and swung your fist at Todoroki as he moved out of the way at the last second

your fist smashed into the ground as a web of cracks formed around it and the ground began to shake, soon a large crater formed catching everyone by surprise.

Tokoyami: He wasn't that strong in the woods, At least not in his base form...

Y/N: Surprised? It's all thanks to one of my signature Saiyan Abilities! Zenkai Boost!

Todoroki: Zenkai Boost...?

Y/N: Yeah, It allows a Saiyan's body to evolve and become much stronger after being brought to the verge of death, I received a very bad injury during the Blood moon and recovered, Therefore I am far more Powerful than before!

Todoroki: Amazing...

Y/N: I'm not done yet! I won't pull any punches!

Suddenly you began to shout as the ground shook again, a spark of turquoise appeared in your eyes before you transformed into a super saiyan

Suddenly you began to shout as the ground shook again, a spark of turquoise appeared in your eyes before you transformed into a super saiyan

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Todoroki prepared his fire to attack when suddenly Bakugo rushed past him and towards you.


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