Chapter 98: Evil Doubles

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Uraraka was walking around the outside of the academy in hopes of getting some fresh air as she looked at the night sky

She then looked back down and saw someone heading her way, eventually they got close enough for her to recognize them

Uraraka: Deku...? What are you doing out here so late...?

Midoriya smiled innocently which soon became an evil smile as he lunged towards Uraraka while preparing a Detroit smash

Uraraka: Wha?!

???: Uraraka!!

Suddenly Midoriya, the TRUE Midoriya, rushed to her aid and kicked the villain away using his shoot style

Uraraka: D-Deku...?!

Midoriya: I know it may seem like a confusing, but that's NOT me!

Villain Deku: Well, technically speaking, yes, I AM you, I'm not the only one either...

Ruby suddenly appeared on the scene with Issei as their friends followed them out of the building

Ruby: Guys!

Issei: We heard a loud bang! What's going on—

Suddenly Issei was hit by a red beam of energy that send him flying back as he screamed a loud one

Issei: GAH!!

Rias: Issei!!

The others looked over to see another Issei, this one was in a suit with his boosted gear activated, he also had fallen wings instead of devil wings

The others looked over to see another Issei, this one was in a suit with his boosted gear activated, he also had fallen wings instead of devil wings

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Fallen Issei: Well Well Well, looks like I have a pest to stomp...

Blake: Another Issei?!

Vali: That's even worse...

Ruby's cheek was Suddenly grazed by an unknown entity as she stumbled over and saw another Ruby, her skin was very pale as her hair was fully black

Ruby's cheek was Suddenly grazed by an unknown entity as she stumbled over and saw another Ruby, her skin was very pale as her hair was fully black

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Grimm Ruby: It's about time we've been given a place in the spotlight, wouldn't you all agree?

Ruby: That's me!!

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