Chapter 3: Training Exercise: Part 1

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The Teacher Guided you all to the outside of the building and onto a cliff that led to a large forest below, you were all standing on sliver tiles for some reason.

Ruby: It's like the Emerald Forest!

Teacher: That's right! Here you will be tested in Strength, Skill, and Cooperativeness,  you will all be launched into the forest which is packed with different kinds of Grimm and Robots from U.A's entrance Exam!

Iida: So it's like the training we did with the Isami students.

Teacher: Yes, the first three other people you find will be your teammates for the rest of this exercise, I also forgot to mention you must survive the night and come back with a special relic that was made for this exercise.

You all nodded before Mineta was launched into the air, one by one everyone began to be sent flying into the air.

Jaune: So we have to fight these Grimm and robots?

Before the teacher could answer he was sent flying into the forest, you braced yourself to be launched as everyone went flying.

Y/N: Let's do this...

With that your tile flipped sending you far into the forest, you decided to use some of your Ki to remain in the air a bit longer than the others, eventually you landed safely on your feet and looked around to see that nobody was around.

Y/N: the first thing I should focus on is finding my teammates...

You began to run a high speeds looking for some people to team up with, you stopped for a moment to see a large black feather float down to the ground.

Y/N: That must be one big bird...

Suddenly you began to hear sounds coming from the bushes, you turned around to see a bunch of Grimm that resembled a Beowolf leap out of the bushes.

Suddenly you began to hear sounds coming from the bushes, you turned around to see a bunch of Grimm that resembled a Beowolf leap out of the bushes

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Y/N: Finally! This might give me a good fight!

With that one of the Beowolves leaped at you ready to pounce, you ran towards it and punched it making it slide back a little with its head down, it looked back up and let out a loud roar.

Y/N: Well Well, tougher than you look I see!

The Beowolf dashed towards you while reeling it's claw back, it swung at you but you leaped in the air just avoiding the attack, you then cupped your hands together before blasting the Beowolf with consecutive Ki blasts finishing the Job. You landed on you feet and looked at the others.

Y/N: Well...that's one of them.

Another Grimm leaped at you at full speed, you were ready to attack when suddenly...

???: Dark Shadow!

A bird like shadow creature Appeared out of nowhere and stuck the Grimm sending it back a little bit. You looked to see the guy named Tokoyami standing there with the creature

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