Chapter 32: Kick Back

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You were all chilling after a long day of school, Lotus had become your #1 Sparring Buddy as the two of you began to fight as soon as the school day ended

You and Lotus were going at it as Kirishima, Yang, and For some reason Tsuyu watched the fight, You were in Super Saiyan Blue as Lotus was in Super Saiyan God

Yang: Holy crap!!

Kirishima: H-How are two people even able to move that fast?!

Tsuyu let out a Ribbit of surprise as You and Lotus were going fighting to the point where the two of you looked like two red and blue lines constantly bouncing off of each other

Tsuyu let out a Ribbit of surprise as You and Lotus were going fighting to the point where the two of you looked like two red and blue lines constantly bouncing off of each other

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Meanwhile Kuroka was watching the whole thing from the roof of the school

Kuroka: Imagine Having intercourse with that kind of strength~

Suddenly Rias and her Gang came out to see what the commotion was all about

Issei: What's going on out here—HOLY CRAP!!

Koneko: So fast!

Rias: I'm not used to seeing someone on par with Y/N...

A bunch of shockwaves were being made as the two of you rapidly hit each other in mid air, Lotus landed a clean kick to your torso and sent you flying back, you stopped yourself and powered up.

Y/N: I won't lose!!

Lotus: Oh Yeah?!

You charged up a Kamehameha in your hands as Lotus charged a Galick Cannon in his hands

Y/N: KA...ME...HA...ME...


The ground was beginning to shake and the ground began to split, the two of you began to scream at the top of your lungs

Kirishima: STOP!!

You both heard Kirishima's cry and halted as the orbs of Ki in your hands disappeared into nothing

Y/N: Is there a problem?

Yang: All you two do is fight each other! Don't you think it's time to relax? Y'Know, have some fun!

Lotus: This IS fun for us Saiyans! It's in our very blood to fight!

Asia: Well yeah but don't you think it's time to settle down for a while?

Y/N and Lotus: AWW! I DON'T WANNA!

The two you reverted back to base form and descended down to the ground with looks of disappointment on your faces

Kirishima and Yang took the two of you inside to do Something other than fight

Y/N: So...What are we going to do...?

Asia: I remember this time where Rias and Sona had a competition over something and played Tennis, and then they played Dodgeball!

Y/N: Dodgeball...?

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