Chapter 140: Y/N's Bootcamp

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You had just appeared at Kami's Lookout in hopes of being able to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to train Midoriya and Steven

A few moments in, you happened to be greeted by Dende who sensed your presence and showed himself, not seeing each other in quite a while

A few moments in, you happened to be greeted by Dende who sensed your presence and showed himself, not seeing each other in quite a while

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Dende: Y/N? Is that you? It's certainly been a while!

Y/N: Hey Dende! Rocking the old cape now I see!

Dende: Oh This? Yeah, I figured I'd wear it sooner or later. Anyway, what brings you here?

Y/N: Well, I was actually hoping to use the Time Chamber to train two Disciples of mine. I hope it's not too much trouble...

Dende: No No, It's no problem at all! If you need the Time Chamber it must be serious.

Y/N: You got it in one, Little Green, well...guess you won't be so little anymore...Despite us being around the same age...

With that you, Midoriya, and Steven began to make your way towards the Time Chamber as you cracked your knuckles, however, before you could make it in, you heard a voice yell out to you


Midoriya: Er—That Voice, it sounds like...

As everyone looked into the distance to see Vegeta flying towards you, however he wasn't alone as he happened to be carrying Jaune by the back of his shirt

Y/N: Jaune...?

As Vegeta and Jaune began to close in on the lookout, you noticed that Jaime had landed near the edge of lookout which you didn't sense

Y/N: Jaune and Jaime...?

Steven: Who...?

Midoriya: Jaune's a Friend of ours, as for Jaime, she seems rather distant with most people except for Skylar.

Vegeta then dropped Jaune onto the lookout as he had landed on his face in a comedic fashion, yelping in pain as you couldn't help but chuckle a bit

Jaune: Ugh...Did you have to drop me on my face...?

Vegeta: Be happy that I even brought you here in the first place, Blondie...

With that Vegeta flew off into the distance and eventually went out of sight, Jaune picking himself up from the ground as Jaime walked towards the three of you

Y/N: Let me guess, you guys want to get some Training in as well?

Jaune: N-No! I need to Train—Er...Oh...Yeah. I'm kinda tired of being overshadowed by my teammates...

Y/N: I thought so.

You then looked to Jaime who had her usual carefree expression on her face

Y/N: And you?

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