Chapter 7: Offer

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Xenovia: We'd like to have a word with you.

You gave Xenovia a confused face, you followed her into a different room, she entered the room while you stood there and thought to yourself for a moment.

Y/N: I actually don't think I've noticed this girl until now, is she with Ruby? Or maybe Midoriya, Maybe it could be...

You walked into the room while still thinking to yourself, you saw seven people, two boys and five girls

Y/N: Rias...

Rias: Yes it's us, we have a few questions for you.

Y/N: What is it?

Rias walked towards you and stopped when she was about two feet away from you with Koneko standing beside her, making issei a little bit jealous.

Rias: Just what are you? You're definitely not a human.

Y/N: Heh, I could say the same thing about all of you...Devils...

All of their eyes widened in surprise, you then back up for a safe distance.

Rias: So you know...

Y/N: Let's just say that brown haired one doesn't know when to stop talking...


You were all sitting in class, you were barely listening to the teacher. Beside you to your left, Akeno sat, to your right, Pyrrha, behind you sat Kaminari, in front of you sat Momo, and beside her sat Issei Who was trying to flirt with her.

Issei: Y'Know, I'm a powerful Devil with strong powers, I think you'd be pretty happy to be with me, My devil friends are pretty cool too!

Momo: No Thanks, You're not my type, plus, I don't date desperate guys...

You tried your best not to hold your laughter, you could hear snickering from Kaminari as well.

Flashback End

Rias: You flirted with another girl?!

Issei: N-N-NO! H-He's lying!

Koneko: Issei, we all know he's telling the truth...

Rias cleared her throat grabbing everyone's attention once again, she then looked you in the eye.

Rias: So What are you? Like I said, you're no human, and you're certainly no devil, that transformation you performed back in the forest emitted Divine energy.

Koneko: Yeah, That blast you hit me with hurt...and sending Rias flying wasn't cool...

Issei: What?! He hurt you Koneko?! Want me to kick his ass?

Y/N: Oh I'm Sorry That you attacked me and my teammates in the woods when all we wanted was to rest!

Rias: Don't bother Issei, you simply can't light a candle to his power even with your sacred gear...

Y/N: Screw this! I could be napping right now!

You turned around and headed for the door when suddenly Kiba appeared in front of you and pointed his blade at your neck.

Kiba: Please, you seem like a nice guy with a good heart, I don't want to hurt you...let Rias finish...

You let out a sigh of annoyance and sat down on the sofa, you rested your head on the palm of your hand.

Y/N: Make it quick...

Rias cleared her throat again and before looking at you.

Rias: Tell me what you are...

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