Chapter 161: Ark's Domain

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Everyone stood completely still in a large crowd, still processing what had just happened before their very eyes

Both You and Ark had disappeared into an eternal Black Hole that lead outside of reality, everyone standing there with widened eyes as Midoriya spoke up

Midoriya: He disappeared...

Xenovia: Y/N...Really just sacrificed himself for a second time during this one battle...for us...

Mineta: N-No Way!! Y/N's Gone!! If he disappears and he gets beaten by Ark, then He'll be gone forever—


Mineta then went skidding across the ground with a red hand mark on his left cheek that was left by Yang who growling in anger and frustration

Yang: Don't You Dare even think that Y/N'll lose!! Not him, Y/N always finds a way! AND I WON'T GIVE UP ON HIM JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T MAN UP!!

Vegeta: Hm, That One's Feisty and determined...Y/N chose well...

Goku: C'mon Y/N, everyone's counting on you right now, for as long as I can remember you were always just there so help us in the heat of battle...wether it was with The Androids, Cell, Buu, Beerus, Frieza, Black, The Tournament of Power, and even were always our secondary...but not it's YOUR turn to shine! Make him Pay, Y/N!!

Outside of Reality

You were now rolling uncontrollably in the air as you had appeared outside of reality, it wasn't what you had expected it to be, in fact, it wasn't anything at all

You looked around as you floated aimlessly in a purely bright white abyss that seemed to infinitely expand into the distance

Y/N: this is where Ark's been sleeping, huh...?

You then looked up to see Ark descend to your level, he didn't look happy as he had his arms crossed and a frown on his face

Ark: You Ignorant Fool...Bringing me here was the biggest mistake you could possibly make...I could easily return to reality whenever I please.

Y/N: Oh Yeah, well not if I beat you down first!!

Ark: Hm...Go on and try...

You then smirked and readied yourself to attack Ark with some of your most powerful attacks, Ark floating in front of you with absolutely no concern in his face whatsoever as you chuckled

Y/N: Suit Yourself! HA!

You then tried to fly over to Ark and slug him in the face, but nothing happened, and by that meaning that you didn't even move

Y/N: What...?

You struggled heavily to remove yourself from the spot where you were floating in but to no avail, you couldn't move a muscle

Y/N: What The Hell is this...?!

Ark: This is outside of Reality, Nothing is meant to exist here, let alone move, after thousands of years, here I have managed to adapt and move freely in this dimension...but unfortunately for you...You won't have that kind of time to waste...

Y/N: Dammit!! Even with 100% of my Power I can't even move an inch...!!

Ark: So now you see, you fucked yourself over a thousand fold...

You then smirked and chuckled, this confused Ark but amused him nonetheless

Y/N: Heh...I don't think so...this is nothing...

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