Chapter 100: Origin

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You and your father were now approaching the palace as you were doubting the fact that he was your actual father

Shailo looked back to see the look of doubt on your face which was now facing the ground, Shailo sighed and stopped

Shailo: You still don't think I'm your father, here...

Shailo without warning walked up to you and placed his hand on top of your head, playing a memory of his in your head for you to see


The village of the Celestial Saiyans could be seen in absolute ruin as almost every structure was either on fire, or completely obliterated

Ark could be seen on the skies laying waste upon the land as he fired large Ki blasts left and right, soon forming a larger red blast in both of his hands


Your mother who you didn't know the name of, rushed out of the village with a crying baby newborn Saiyan in her arms, Shailo could be seen rushing past all of the destroyed buildings and towards Ark

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Your mother who you didn't know the name of, rushed out of the village with a crying baby newborn Saiyan in her arms, Shailo could be seen rushing past all of the destroyed buildings and towards Ark

Shailo: WHY YOU!!

Shailo reeled his fist back and threw a Ki infused punch that smashed right into Ark's face, a crater formed below them but Ark wasn't phased in the slightest


Ark suddenly aimed his blast towards Shailo and screamed with a mighty voice before firing his blast

Shailo went wide eyed before screaming helplessly as he was engulfed in the dark crimson ball of Ki that dragged him towards the outer part of the village before releasing a massive explosion

Mother: SHAILO!!!

Your mother continued to flee from the scene as her hear pounded in both shock and fear, heading to the nearest space pod

Ark continued to recklessly destroy as Archon suddenly appeared behind him and looked down upon everyone and everything that Ark had ever so easily destroyed

Archon: Don't get carried away, we came here for one reason, to annihilate the Reincarnated King...

Ark: Yeah Yeah I heard you...

With that Ark stopped his little rampage as the two of them put their hands out towards your mother who scurried away

Forming a combined Ki blast, they launched the orb of crimson energy as it bolted towards the direction of you and your mother at full speed

Unable to escape, your mother tossed you far enough to be out of blast radius as she turned around and formed an orb of Ki in her hand, firing a small wave of yellow Ki towards the combined attack of Ark and Archon

The ball of crimson energy penetrated it's way through the beam of Ki with no trouble as it eventually reached and hit her, releasing an explosion ten times more powerful then the one that Shailo had to take

Your mother was completely over taken in the crimson light as she was disintegrated from every last molecule

The explosion was powerful enough to split the clothes as a massive shadow suddenly loomed over Ark and Archon

They both turned around to see who it was, a being that you currently knew all too well

They both turned around to see who it was, a being that you currently knew all too well

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Ark: Well Well Well...looks like the giant lizard decided to show himself!

Shenron's eyes suddenly glowed red as Ark suddenly disappeared into thin air, Archon looked at where Ark used to be before looking around the area

Shenron: He's Gone, I banished him outside of reality...

With that Shenron disappeared as Archon continued to scout the area

Archon: I'm not looking for Ark, he'll be fine, I'm looking to see if I finished that little fiend off...

Little did archon know, you were under a pile of debris caused by the explosion that had killed your mother, and you being a just born, you had no energy in your body to be sensed yet

Archon scoffed before flying away and leaving the planet entirely, meanwhile in the hole that had formed after the first explosion, Shailo emerged with wounds and scratches all over

one of his eyes not able to open as he stumbled towards the pile of debris that you had now crawled out of

Shailo: S-Son...

Shailo eventually made it to you and picked you up with one arm due to his other arm being broken, looking into your eyes that had small tears running out of them, you then reached your small hands out to your father and clenched your fist, trying to grab him

Y/N: Da...Da...Dada!!

Shailo went wide eyed before a single tear escaped his eye and slowly went down his face

Shailo: It's not safe for you to be here, I'll send you somewhere else...a new planet, a new universe...

Shailo's eyes suddenly began to glow white as he suddenly warped you to another planet that had inhabited another universe

Shailo: I...I don't know...what world exactly your going to...but you'll grow big and son...

The last thing Shailo saw before passing out was you arriving at a small place called earth, you appearing in the middle of the village that would eventually be invaded by the scary and powerful Bio-Android, Cell

Flashback End

Shailo slowly removed his hand from your head as you were now wide eyed, completely surprised once again

Shailo: Now you know...Ark destroyed our home and killed almost all of us, very few managed to actually survive the attack...

Y/N: Wait...I thought that the grand priest sealed him away outside of reality, and what the hell is Shenron doing there?!

Shailo: You see, the world where Ark was sealed to was a white dimension that was "Outside of reality", technically it is, but it's simply the space between this world, and the one I grabbed you from, as for Shenron, our world just so happens to be where Dragons really come from...

Y/N: Wow...who would've thought...!

Shailo: We're here...put yourself together, because once we get this reunion nonsense out of the way, you're going to take place in a big event that will test you're skills...

With that Shailo walked into the palace as you stood still for a moment

Y/N: Yes...Father...

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