Chapter 132: Battle On Skyworld

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Pit and Palutena had just witnessed a massive explosion go off not too far from where they were, bringing both of them to a stop as Pit spoke

Pit: Do you think that was them...?

Palutena: Of course...I hope those Saiyans can prevail again...

Meanwhile, nothing but chaos was going on at the spot where the explosion went off, over half of the fighters leaping into the air and engaging in an airborne battle

Lotus and The Masked Swordsman suddenly came into view as The Masked Swordsman suddenly swung his blade at Lotus who blocked it in base form and kicked him away

However, Lotus didn't have much time to react when Mare suddenly came into view from below as he landed a heavy uppercut to Lotus' chin, followed by a swipe that send Lotus flying away

Mare went wide eyed and disappeared as you and Zalion suddenly came rushing in from both sides, attempting to go in for a punch but missed as the two of you collided in an accidental fist clash

Zarama suddenly dashed into view as he rammed the two of you with full force, crashing into the ground

Y/N: Damn! That happened to fast...!!

Zalion: Stop sitting on your ass and fight!

Zalion suddenly flew back into the air as you suddenly witnessed two blurs zoom past you, you watched as Midoriya and his villain counterpart engaged in their second fight

Midoriya: Seeing myself as a villain is kinda scary...but I won't lose to a villain! Even if it is myself!

Villain Deku: We'll just have to see about that!


You suddenly felt an incoming energy as you looked to see a large blast headed straight for you, at the last moment you managed to warp out of it's path as it hit the ground and left behind a small explosion with it

You appeared next to where the explosion had occurred to see a small hole in the ground, looking over to see Zarama staring you down

You appeared next to where the explosion had occurred to see a small hole in the ground, looking over to see Zarama staring you down

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Zarama: You are the Reincarnated One, aren't you?

Y/N: What if I am...?

Zarama: ...You die.

You suddenly smirked hearing those words, getting into a fighting stance as you laughed loudly

Y/N: Alright listen here "God", You can't kill me! You WON'T kill me! So Bring it on!!

With that, an Angry Zarama dashed towards you at full speed as you did the same, disappearing from Zarama's sight as he suddenly felt a rush of pain go through his gut

Zarama gasped for air as he slowly looked down to see your fist digging straight into his stomach, you then formed a blast of Ki and smirked once more

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