Chapter 68: Finish That Sparring Match

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You and everyone else were standing outside in the front of the academy, With You, Goku, and Vegeta staring each other down

Vegeta: Don't think I'm going to go easy on you Y/N...

Y/N: Didn't expect nor wanted you to!

Goku: Hehehe!! This is getting me excited!

Meanwhile everyone on the sidelines were watching the whole thing

Kirishima: Oh Boy! Y/N fighting against his
Mentors?! This is gonna be awesome!!

Midoriya: I gotta study this!

Ruby: Good luck to all of you!

Yang: Y/N is gonna kick their butts!

Koneko: Beat them up Y/N...

With that you all exchanged one last glare before disappearing into thin air, shockwaves began to burst in Mid air as Goku and Vegeta clashed fists

You literally flew into the action and began to exchange blows with Vegeta who was aiming for your face to punch, you dodged, blocked, and smacked away all attacks that were even close to your face making Vegeta grunt

Vegeta: So you have improved...

Y/N: What? You think I've just been laying around this whole time?

With that you kicked him away, Suddenly Goku appeared next to you as you received a heavy elbow to the right side of you face sending you flying away

You eventually stopped yourself as everyone watched the fight in awe

Sato: So strong!

Midoriya: I guess he wasn't lying about them, they're just as amazing as him!

You and Goku began to exchange blows at high speeds as Vegeta went super saiyan and blew the two of you away with a green Ki blast

Goku stopped himself and transformed into a Super Saiyan as well before charging straight towards Vegeta and smashing his fist into his gut making him cough up some saliva

Weiss: Where's Y/N?

Kiba: Now that you mention it, I can't see him...

You suddenly appeared above them as two orbs of F/C Ki formed in your hands

Y/N: Enjoy Oblivion!!

before they could react, you blasted them with large beams of energy as they were sent bolting towards the ground, the two crashed into the ground as a large explosion followed leaving a large gust of wind and dust cloud behind

Pyrrha: Is it over...?

Just as that was said, The ground began to violently shake, the large dust cloud on the ground was then quickly blown away by the aura's of a Super Saiyan 3 Goku and Vegeta

(Yes Vegeta Can Go Super Saiyan 3 In This Story)

(Yes Vegeta Can Go Super Saiyan 3 In This Story)

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