Chapter 90: Rampage

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Everyone watched in either fear, shock, or both as you began to grit your teeth, the ground began to shake again as you slowly stomped towards Issei

Issei: H-Hey man! What happened to all of that talk from earlier...?

Y/N: Lies...Lies!! LIES!!!!!

You were about to charge towards Issei when suddenly Shoji and Ren ran up from behind you and grabbed you from behind

Ren: Y/N! Remember! Remember who you are!!

Shoji: We can't let you kill anyone now!!

Suddenly you powered up gaining a pitch black aura forcing both Ren and Shoji off of you, the two went flying away as you began to scream


With that you began to run towards Issei who got ready to defend himself as Ddraig spoke to him

Issei: D-Ddraig! Juggernaut drive now!

Ddraig; You serious partner? He'll tear you apart either way!

Issei: It's small but the best chance we have...!!

With that Issei's body began to go through another metamorphosis, Suddenly Tetsutetsu appeared in front of you with his quirk activated

Tetsutetsu: You gotta Get a hold of yourself!!

Tetsutetsu suddenly charged towards you and fully rammed you with his shoulder, however there was no impact for you, instead you just laughed and smacked him away sending him flying into the building

Iida: We must do something before he destroys the whole stadium!!

Kiba: But what?! None of us can beat him when he's like this!!

Sun: W-Well we have to try...!!

With that the three of them got ready to fight and charged towards you at full speed, the first to attack was Sun who leaped towards you and kicked you right in the face

However Sun's little kick had no effect whatsoever as you grabbed his leg and slammed him to the ground multiple times before throwing him away and blasting him with a small Ki blast

The after explosion sent Sun flying as Iida charged in next, Also going in for a kick, Iida went in for a spin kick as you simply ducked and glared as him as he got back on his feet and ran around you

Y/N: You think you're puny speed can keep me at bay?

With that you stomped your foot the ground making the ground shake once again, suddenly a bunch of dark purple blades of Ki began to rapidly rise from the ground, giving Iida something else to run away from

You were about to take a step forward when suddenly Kiba appeared behind you with his blade ready to slash

Kiba: So you wanna play with blades huh?

He swung his blade as you instantly turned around before your mouth opened wide and bit down on the blade, completely shattering it

Kiba went wide eyed as you reeled your fist back and got ready for the kill

Suddenly a multicoloured Ki blast hit you from behind, it was just enough to make you flinch a bit

You turned around to see Lotus, Caulifla, Kale, and Kasai all with their hands forward

Kasai: Y/N...

Lotus: Stop this!

You suddenly charged towards them with an evil grin on your face, however before you could get too close a blue tentacle wrapped around you and kept you from reaching them

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