Chapter 108: Mysterious New Power

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You had just finished a new transformation as the others were checking out your new look, obviously surprised by the sudden change in looks and power

Lotus: Both halves of his hair are different colours...and same thing goes for his eyes!

Kaminari: He kinda looks like you, Todoroki...

Todoroki: Yeah..."Kinda"...

Goku: What's up with his energy...?

Vegeta: It feels so pure...but at same time so maliciously evil...!

Gohan: How is that possible?!

Beerus and Whis took a closer look at the holographic screen as they began to sense heat coming from your direction

Beerus: He's not just generating energy...he's emitting heat...

Whis: It's possible that his Devil Form Combined itself with that of Ultra Instinct...

Vados: Yes...that's the only explanation...


You were currently facing Nega as he got into a fighting stance once again, you gave him a blank stare as you turned to fully face his direction

Nega: No matter how many transformations you may undergo...I will be the one on—

Nega went wide eyed as he realized you were right behind him, you kept the blank stare in your eyes as you reeled your fist back and whacked him to the ground

Nega quickly emerged from the dust and looked up, now wondering just what had happened

Nega: What did he do?! I didn't even see him move...!!

Nega was about to leap but you suddenly appeared above him and thrusted your blade of energy into his arm, pinning him to the ground like a nail as he screamed

Blake: Something's not right...he's doing all this while keeping that emotionless expression on his face, he isn't even talking...

Iida: His strength and speed have increased dramatically, but how did he do that...?

Grand Priest: The form that Y/N has taken is a like modified Ultra Instinct, he is able to move at very high speeds while both his strength and speed have only been amplified by the power of his Devil Form that was added to it.

Nega suddenly grabbed the blade and crushed it with his hand as you simply summoned another one and dashed towards him, getting right in his face before he could even react

You suddenly thrusted your blade into Nega's torso as you then pulled it out and took a quick slash at him, slicing his upper and lower torso into their own halves as a mountain in the distance suddenly cut in half as well

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You suddenly thrusted your blade into Nega's torso as you then pulled it out and took a quick slash at him, slicing his upper and lower torso into their own halves as a mountain in the distance suddenly cut in half as well

Nega of course regenerated from the attack and leaped back, hoping to gain a safe distance as you bolted after him and landed a nasty punch to his gut, cashing him to gag

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