Chapter 79: Upcoming Event

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As Kasai and Ruby walked back to their rooms together as they discussed the situation

Kasai: I thought that she had a thing for Lotus!

Ruby: That's what we all thought, but that Ibara girl got to him first...

Kasai: So? Look at Y/N, He has 5 girlfriends!

Ruby: I told her that! But she says that she doesn't want to be in a Harem!

Kasai: Then what's the point of liking him...?

Ruby shrugged as Kasai hung his head


you were in your room with Lotus discussing things, mainly on how strong you had become

Lotus: How did you get that powerful in just 3 minutes?!

Y/N: Push ups, Sit ups, and plenty of plot...

Lotus: What?

Y/N: Nothing...

With that you got up from the Sofa and walked towards the kitchen, you opened the fridge and grabbed a can of soda

You walked towards Lotus as you quickly drank up the soda and headed to the bedroom

Lotus: Going to bed already...?

Y/N: Oh don't mind me, Just tired after a years worth of training with gods...

With that you walked into the bed room and got changed into something more comfortable, as you took your shirt off you noticed that you still had the training weights on

Y/N: Crap, I forgot I had these on...

With that you slipped them off and sent them to the white dimension as The Grand Priest taught you how to warp things to other locations

You then took the weights on your legs off and sent them to the white dimension as well, you then began to stretch as you could hear and feel your arms and legs cracking

Y/N: Ah! Man that feels to good!!

With that you didn't even bother to put a shirt on due to how tired you were, you let out a long yawn as you plopped onto your bed and got comfy

Y/N: Ah!

That night you had a nice dream of eating a whole mountain of food

The Next Day

After a night of sleeping in your comfortable bed for the first time in a year, you headed out with a happy smile and went to class after changing into your proper clothes

After roaming the very long hallways, you made it to class and surprised everyone with your new appearance

Yang: Who are you?

Kaminari: Another new guy?!

Midoriya: Guys, It's L/N!

Everyone: What?! Y/N What happened to you?!?!

Y/N: I went through some "Quick" training...

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