Chapter 142: Prom Night

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Cruise Ship

You had just arrived back at the cruise ship with Steven and Connie as Prom was to begin in about 15 minutes since they had to find the proper attire to wear

Steven: Thanks for giving us this Opportunity, Y/N, I feel like we're gonna have a really fun time tonight!

Y/N: Oh Trust me you will, everyone here is super nice and in this situation, super funny!

Connie: So where do we go exactly...?

You then responded to Connie's question by pointing to a large door with two signs on each side, one that said the word "Prom", and another that said "Party"

Y/N: Just go wait by that door over there and you should be good for now.

Steven: Alright, Thanks again!

Y/N: No Prob!

With that Steven and Connie walked off as you brushed some battle-dust off of yourself as you sighed

Y/N: Man now I gotta find something to wear...

???: Yo Y/N!

You suddenly looked over to see Kirishima walking towards you, he had already been dressed into his Prom outfit which surprisingly wasn't a tuxedo, instead he wore a colourful jacket along with a jaguar undershirt, with some red pants to match his hair

You suddenly looked over to see Kirishima walking towards you, he had already been dressed into his Prom outfit which surprisingly wasn't a tuxedo, instead he wore a colourful jacket along with a jaguar undershirt, with some red pants to match his...

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Y/N: Wow Kirishima! Wasn't expecting you to be dressed like this for Prom!

Kirishima: Yeah, To be honest, Super Fancy things like Tuxedos just aren't my style, and if this is potentially the last time we get to do something like this, I might as well be comfortable!

Y/N: Heh, I get ya, man, last dance I wore a tuxedo and Geez, those things poke me, like a lot...

All of a sudden you felt a familiar energy from above, you looked with a confused look on your face to see Piccolo watching from above

Kirishima: Hey It's Piccolo!

Y/N: Hey Piccolo! You need something?

Piccolo: This is one of your teenage events, right? Are you really going on dressed like that...?

You looked at your current clothing that you had one that was all ripped up and covered in ashes and dust from your little battle with Moro, then looking back up to him and responding

Y/N: This? Nah, I just got back, actually, you have Clothes Beam, Right? Can you give me something Similar to Kirishima's?

Piccolo: Hmph...Very well.

With that Piccolo directed his hand towards you and fired a small yellow beam of energy at you, Kirishima flinched thinking that he was attacking you as you were suddenly given a new outfit

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