Chapter 123: Hide N Seek

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You and the others were just arriving at the Auditorium to participate in the first special event that The Grand Priest had in store for everyone

Y/N: Wonder what crazy events The Grand Priest had in store for us...?

Taking a seat on one of the many chairs with the other Saiyans sitting around you, you watched The Grand Priest enter the room and stand in front of everyone

Grand Priest: Hello Everyone, and thank you for joining us for this series of special events. Our first event will be a causal game of hide n seek, however there's a few things that need to be explained first.

The Grand Priest suddenly lifted his hand a little bit and projected a hologram from his palm, showing illustrations of the examples for the rules

Grand Priest: 8 people will be able to participate in a single match, one of the 8 will be the main seeker, who's objective is to find the other participants and turn them into seekers as well, if everyone is caught, the seeking team wins, if the time limit of 5 minutes runs out, the judging team wins, simple enough, yes?

Y/N: So it's just a matter of lasting long enough...

Grand Priest: There's also a little something extra about each match, but I'll leave that for all of you to find out on your own. Without further ado...

The Grand Priest suddenly raised his hand as the entire room began to glow, warping 8 people to the first match

Round 1: Mall:
- Y/N
- Yang (Seeker)
- Kirishima
- Asia
- Kasai
- King
- Weiss
- Gasper

You were now in a little mall with a bunch of stores and other establishments installed within the facility, looking around to see your hiding choices

You then noticed that the other 6 hiders with you as well, Kirishima immediately ran off to find a place to hide as Gasper did the same while covering his face

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You then noticed that the other 6 hiders with you as well, Kirishima immediately ran off to find a place to hide as Gasper did the same while covering his face

Y/N: So I'm assuming this is our starting point...

With that you ran off to find a place to hide, leaving everyone behind as you looked around for a decent place to hide

Y/N: I didn't see Yang back there, she must be the seeker...that alone is pretty scary...

You then looked at your hands and clenched your fists as you ran, noticing that your powers had been somewhat nerfed, most likely for the sake of fairness

You eventually found a place to hide, the most basic place ever, one of the fake bushes that could be located all across the mall

You crouched and jumped inside as you got settled in, sitting in silence for a good 30 seconds or so when you heard a faint voice scream in the distance

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