Chapter 62: Sudden Challenger

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After making sure that the room was secure from any girls getting in, you and the others went to bed

You were just waking up to the unpleasant sound of someone knocking on your door, you forced yourself out of bed and slowly walked to the door and opening it

You looked to see Chifuyu standing there with her arms crossed

Y/N: What is it...?

Chifuyu: Look at you! Your in no shape for your first day at the academy!

Y/N: We're still tired—wait what...?

Chifuyu: That's right, I sighed you up to the academy, we can't just have you stay here!

Y/N: But we're dealing with—

Chifuyu: I don't want to hear it, class starts in 30 minutes!

With that she walked off as you shut the door, you then groaned in annoyance as you woke up Lotus and Kasai

Y/N: Guys...Guys...Guys...Wake up...

They didn't even respond as you were forced to go super saiyan and shout


With that they got startled and jumped out of their bed

Lotus: What was that for...?

Y/N: Apparently we have to go to this academy as we stay here...

Kasai: Well What are we waiting for?

With that you all began to get ready, first showering one at a time, then putting in your clothes, and then heading out

You roamed the hallways as you eventually reached the classroom, of course it was full of girls, but there was one boy, the one that you saw yesterday, the girls began to get excited, knowing they shared the same class with you and the others

Girl 1: Oh my god! They're in our class!

Girl 2: Yes! This is awesome!

Girl 3: Do you think they'll let us have lunch with them?

With that you took your seats and let the class progress, throughout the class you all received winks, Smiles, and Blow kisses from the girls in the class, except for a few girls, one being a blonde who kept glaring at you

Eventually class ended and break begun, you were about to head out to look for koichiarator when you were stopped by the blonde from earlier as she yelled to you with her English accent

Girl: Hey you!

Y/N: Eh?

Girl: Yes You! Who are you? How did you get in this school so easily?!

You shrugged with a dull look on your face

Girl: My name is Cecilia Alcott and I want to see if you are worthy of being in this academy! I challenge you to a Duel!

Both Lotus and Kasai face palmed and sighed as you also sighed

Time Skip

School was just wrapping up as you tried to get out of class without Cecilia noticing but she of course did

Cecilia: Don't think I forgot about our duel!

Y/N: Yeah Yeah...

With that she guided you to the Arena where you and Koichiarator had your second fight, she then stared you down as she activated her I.S


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