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"The best love story is when you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time."


Sticky, ice,cold coffee dripped from his chiseled face and onto his white crisp dress shirt, staining it. Good. I gave a victorious smile in my head and high fived myself. Triumph written all over my face. His molten colored eyes framed by long, thick eyelashes turned a fraction darker and stared at me blankly. No emotion at all showing on his devilishly handsome face.

His words ringing in my head over and over again. I panted angrily trying to calm myself down, my chest heaving up and down. The hatred I felt for him growing more immensely. Ever since we first met we both clashed immediately, an opposites type of thing and nothing close to what people say attraction. No, I would never fall for him. Like they say whatever falls always breaks, maybe that is why I stayed away from love, maybe because I have witnessed people around me; how they fall in and out of love. So if I had to love someone it would not be falling in love with them but something else way more immense and great. Everything that came with loving.

But coming back to the situation at hand, all I thought was... How dare he? He thinks he is too good for everyone, guess what buddy you are not for me.

"Asshole,"I bitterly spat out. Wow, Dem was that the best comeback you could say?

All he did in return was give a ghost of smile,one that looked very reserved, also a bit scary and that held no emotion in it, as he ran his hands through his now wet dark chocolate brown hair. I pushed up my glasses that lowered down going to the bridge of my nose.

I gave a sarcastic smile in return. He stared at me emotionlessly, still, not a single emotion peaking up and not giving anything away. He was the definition of a poker face. Emotionless Bastard, you could not even see what he was thinking or feeling which was frustrating from my end. He could at least show a little emotion to show at least he was actually feeling or thinking something or if I effected him with my words.

I turned on my heel and grabbed my best friend who was holding her boyfriend's hand and was in complete shock by my actions. Was it a bold move to make? Yes, very much so indeed. Was my actions a bit too drastic? Maybe.

Her boyfriend Jeremy's face mirrored hers as I made my way out of the transparent, glass doors that squeaked just a bit when opening it. I thanked the door for not giving me a hard time to open otherwise that would be one embarrassing...gracious exit to make.

Call me horrible for just grabbing my friend like that but Jeremy will now understand my clear hatred towards his best friend. Ah, the irony.

I could give a short summary on why I didn't like Kodiak(gorgeous molten eyes) but that would turn into a long summary because I would ramble on till I told you every detail for my hatred.

One would be because the first time we met I mistakely stepped on his foot with high heels and dropped sauce on him when we both were unknowingly spying on Liz and Jeremy and he spoke so coldly to me as if I was a low life and that angered me. Then there was the time when he found out I worked for his rivaling company. The times when we both came to our best friends home and we couldn't stand each other for no reason at all. You know when they say you just dislike someone but you don't know why? Well this was exactly a Scooby-Doo mystery.

In shorter terms we just couldn't get along.

The Sun reflected in my eyes, more on my glasses when I walked out of the doors making me put my one hand over my eyes and glasses to block it out. One bad thing about glasses, the sun blinds you because it reflects on your glasses. There is no perks! It doesn't even help when there is a sand storm.

The cool,spring breeze kissed me lightly on my face making me feel refreshed and calm. It saited my anger, making me not see red anymore to a certain extend.

I went about trying to haul a taxi. My whole day went from great to downhill horrible. I am hoping it does not get any worse.

"Are you okay Bumblebee?" Liz asked with concern lacing her voice.

"I am great. Can't you see it on my face. I just need to eat." Great excuse I must say.

Liz stared at me contemplating if she should say something or not but instead just nodded. She stayed quiet but laughed to herself like she was making a funny joke about what just happened. I wanted to ask her what the joke was about but my thoughts were like a fast train going far, somewhere to oblivion and the only thought that was floating through my mind was and...

All I could think about was...

I never want to see him again...


Hii everyone! 🙈
This is my first book, please don't judge it especially just by reading the prologue but most of all I hope is that you all enjoy it and like it.❤️

Please leave comments, vote and advice(I will totally love that so I will know how I can improve the book and myself as well) but please no rude comments. Thank you.


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