Chapter 16

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"If today I die, I will be at peace because I have known
my soul mate and have understood the true meaning of love." - Lora Joseph

Kodiak's POV.

I helped unpack everything as the rest went about doing their own business of whatever they wanted to do. Today was not fully packed, only a few people around, which was great. No press to come or anything.

I sat on the spider chairs we carried under the umbrella we brought which was the color pink, my guess it was Liz's choice to make me look stupid, oh I am sorry 'cute' under a pink umbrella.I took out a can of coke from the small, blue cooler box, opening it and drinking it. It burnt my throat in a refreshening, delicious manner. It really was very humid today,the sun scorching all high and mighty and showing off its brightness. I rolled up my sleeves more as I leaned back in the chair. Demelza took off her shorts, showing herself in a sexy v neck swimsuit, it hugged her gloriously like it was made just for her. Many eyes were on her, more specific the other men here. My eyes darkened at the thought of other men looking at her. Possessive. My subconscious whispered. I ignored it as I tried to relaxed myself, which I had not done in a long time and even now with Demelza it was hard to do.

Ah, guess it was meant to be worse because soon a girl wearing a bright orange two piece bikini set came smiling at me seductively. She looked like a model with long legs and a thin  body.

"Hi." She drawled out girlishly.

"Hi."I spoke flatly putting my sunglasses on.

" Is this seat taken? "

" Yes. "

" Well I see no one sitting here. "

" Oh you don't see her, she is sitting right there, my Gorgeous girlfriend. "I spoke sarcastically.

" You are funny. "

Well I wasn't trying to be funny.
She should have got I am not interested but she didnt instead she sat down in the seat next to me.

" So what brings you to this country? "She pushed up on her breasts as she turned to talk to me.

" Business. "

" I could be your business too. "

I did not hear the rest of what she said when my attention went to a running Riceball with a slimy Frisbee. He dropped the frisbee infront of me. I petted him seeing the tiredness on his fluffy face, hair in his eyes as I took out a container and poured water for him. He drank it happily.

Where is Demelza?

I looked up seeing her in the water, swimming around. She looked quite blissful.

"Umm... Hello?"

I looked up to the women I did not know.

"What is your name?" I asked her.

"Jenna. I am a model, you probably seen me in a few shoots and advertisements but I know exactly who you are Mr. Dominguez. " She spoke with confidence and happily. Makes sense.

"Well, Jenna it would be lovely of you to go back to your lady friends that are staring here. I am quite sure they are missing you." I spoke to her in a gentleman like tone.

"Oh I am sure they don't mind."

I am getting annoyed with her.
I looked at Riceball seeing he was waiting patiently for me to throw the Frisbee for him. I chuckled at that.

I took out a bouncy ball instead, from my black shorts pocket and threw it making him run after it. That is what I did for the last fifteen minutes actually enjoying it. It felt refreshening. I looked at the waters to see Demelza was not there. I got up from my seat. Where the fuck is she?

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