Chapter 30

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Hii guys, I hope everyone is doing well. So, let me first start off by saying thank you to my dearest, awesome, amazing, sweet(not really sweet) sister for helping me with this chapter, like literally! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Secondly I am not going to leave your'll in the dark here and I'm going to make everything clear with all the things Derek has been sending and doing to Kodiak, because I feel like it will be confusing if I do not elaborate on the whole situation in this chapter
So i hope your'll enjoy this chapter.

"I will never be perfect for you, but I will always imperfectly try to be." - Atticus

Third Person POV.

Kodiak's eyes kept on glancing at the photo of Demelza's smile staring back at Derek than back at him. She wore a pure white dress making her look like a complete angel but she was nothing near or close to that, she was laughing at something Derek said as he kissed her hand, a smirk on his face. Another photo popped up, where she was being held by him and another where she was getting into his car. Betrayal. That is exactly what it felt like. She knew Derek at the gala event meaning she even knew him here in the photos and had gone on a date with him. He couldn't help but feel distaste forming with just the thought of her and Derek. It disgusted him. Deep down in him the irrational emotion of jealousy started to surface but not only that, the emotion that caused you to not think straight besides love was anger... Hatred... Hurt... Kodiak did not know what to do and deep down it did sting that the one he was falling for was actually untrustworthy. Such misconceptions can cause so many problems and thoughts of differences compared to what the actual truth is, thus being the reason why some people never get together, drift apart or even not get the chance to do or say what they wanted, burying deep inside them their emotions and true feelings and this was exactly what was happening here. The rest of the things that Derek had been sending was just annoying messages about being his partner and a few sections in the contract where he had the upper hand.

Kodiak made his way to the house fists clenched, trying to compose himself into the man he always is.
He made a turn, only to find Kelly and Matt talking in hushed tones to each other with Kelly's eyes brimmed with tears.

"What the fuck is going on here?" He spoke with no emotion. Kelly turned around shocked as Matt turned to face him.

"Nothing, I was just about to leave." Matt spoke, sighing, tired of making things more worse between Kodiak and him. Kodiak stared at them both.

"I see...if that is the case I'll take my leave." He spoke turning around smoothly. I do not care, Kelly. The best you could do right now is to not come near me. I was doing well before you came back."" You think I am coming onto you!? That is not the case, Mr. Steele."Balling his one fist and turning around swiftly and quick, his fisted hand picked up and collided with Matt's face, his face going into shock, that soon turned into anger.

" Do you take me for a fool? "Kodiak laughed humorlessly, his teeth gritting together. He grabbed Matt by his collar and pushed him roughly up against the wall as Matt glared back at him, grabbing him by his collar as well.

" Kodiak... Let go of him. "Kelly held onto Kodiak's arm trying to pull him off Matt but all Kodiak could see was red,without intentionally doing it he pushed Kelly, she fell on the ground, her knees getting scraped because she wore a dress that came just above her knees.

Matt punched him on the face but not getting a proper shot because of how Kodiak held him, Kodiak's lip tore, blood seeping out from his now bleeding lip. They punched each other in the most menacing way, both of them having bloodied fists, mainly their faces, they dropped the pot plants,the little flowers and sand falling, splayed out on the grass, Matt staggered back as Kodiak took this as a leverage and lunged his fist into Matt's face, this time Matt falling on the floor, holding his face, blood coming out from his mouth and nose. Kodiak stalked towards him, only to stop when Demelza fell on her knees in front of Matt, shielding him from this, enraged person he did not expect to turn into. Alex coming infront of him and holding his arm.

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