Chapter 27

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“I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all that you will be.” – Unknown

Kodiak's POV.

She had no fucking right to say that.
There is a reason why I hate him and it is a reasonable one. I punched the metal pole infront of me, needing to get rid of my anger, blood seeped from my knuckles.

I have never acted so angry in my life nor irrational, a little regret flooding me for the way I spoke to her. I felt bad. I need to go and apologize to her but not right now. She might be with Liz and them right now, I think I should just go to the house and do some paperwork... Clear my head and everything.

I walked the rest of the way to the house, trying to calm down and push down on the angry beast that was scratching his way up.

As I reached the front door, my phone started ringing, I looked down seeing an unknown number pop up. I ignored it, opening the door.

The whole place was dead silent, If a pin dropped it could be heard. The lights were off everywhere, upstairs having one light on. Why is it so hard for people to put off the lights?

I sighed, jogging up the staircase. I can get my files one time and go to the study room. When I got to the last step on the top, I noticed that the light belonged to my room.

I remember putting it off before I left.

I walked up to my door, opening it, my eyes widening when I saw a messed up Demelza sitting on the floor, face flustered and her hair all messy. Files scattered everywhere, the papers all sticking out and the once organized files were unorganized and the one file I did not want her to have in her hands, were held tightly and she held it even more close to her when my eyes went on them, her eyes wide with shock of getting caught.

"What do you think you are doing here?" I inquired, irritation lacing my voice.

"I-I was..."She stared me down, getting up and still holding the file in her hands and putting it closer to her chest." You did not want to give me answers, so I rather find them out myself. "She tried shoving me and walking out of the room with the file.

She is not going anywhere with that file.

I grabbed her hand that held the file, taking it out from her hand.

" This belongs to me, Dem. "

" No, it does not. It has my name on it I deserve to know what is in there."

"So what if it has your name? It does not mean it gives you a right to see it."

I took it, walking to the little desk that was next to the bed and I  leaned against it.

I had already gone through the whole file, and I must say I did start hating her again, at the back of my mind it kept on eating me that the person I disliked was related to her(and a very close relation). The problem is will she be able to handle the truth when she finds out the truth and that her whole life and childhood was a lie.

I felt bad for her, I know how it is to not have a grand childhood but I'm pretty sure she had an amazing one and for her to find out that was a lie, then what?

I can't let her get a hold of this file and I do hate myself right now, for still caring for her.

I looked at her, noting all the hereditary features she had. Her teeth were clenched and her hands were balled up into small fists. I smirk, realizing how adorable she looked when angry. Thoughts of doing things to her to dissipate that anger ran freely in my mind.

I chuckled not being able to hold it in.

Demelza's POV.

Firstly, I don't know what he was thinking in this very moment but hell that chuckle is 'hot', if you heard it as well you would video it and keep on replaying it just to see him smirk and then let that sexy chuckle fall out.

Stop getting distracted!

Secondly I hate him(what a stupid thing to say now) , he does not have to be such a jerk. I want to know what it is he is hiding from me.

I walked up to him, standing right infront of him, and poked him on his chest and tried, see that tried, to pull out the file from his hand, but his grip was not budging,he had a thinking face on when he looked at me.

"Will you be able to handle what you read in here anyway."He said it more as a statement and picked up the file, that it was too high to get unless I jumped but I highly doubted that would work especially with my height. This made me a little scared.

" What do you mean? "

" Nothing. Please leave and close the door behind you since I know you have a horrendous manner of not closing doors. "

I feel like punching him and thats exactly what I did but he grabbed my fist, his face coming close to mine with a eyebrow raised.

"Let go." I grounded out.

"You seem really cranky, is it because you don't have your Miss. Bunny pleasurer."He smirked at me, my jaw dropping to the floor.

" I don't know what you are talking about. "I acted confused, probably I should leave but I want that file and for all you know he could be talking about something different and not what I think he is talking about.

" Hmm." He pulled me with him, the way we were right now was so intimate. He opened the desk drawer and took out the one thing I wish he didn't have."So I take it this is not yours." He raised his eyebrows in mockery.

" Hell no. That is not mine." I'm such a total give away because the next moment I'm going to grab it. I should have just acted like it was not mine and came back later when he is not in his room to get it back, but no! I just had to jump in without thinking, literally.

" I never took you for one...using toys..." he leaned back against the desk again,pulling me with him, his hands rested on my waist and for support I held onto his shoulder.
" Kinky little thing, aren't you."

"That is not your concern and you don't know anything about me."

"You are right."He drawled out." "Especially to the fact that you, Demelza Ferenz, is one kinky women."

I pushed away from him, grabbing the vibrator.

I headed to the door, pissed off. "Stupid bear."

Before the door closed I heard him say 'I heard that' , to which I tried flipping him off but the door closed with such force because I hit it with such force.

Sorry door... You had you suffer because of this asshole.

When I got to my room I started screaming, hell I needed that.

I held the bunny in my hand and shoved it in my bag, and going to the bathroom and putting on the shower.

I covered my face with my hands, I was a blushing mess.

Okay I need to get those files at any cost and having a shower will give me a whole lot of ideas on how to do that.

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