Chapter 25

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"The beautiful thing about love is that you just need to plant it once and nurture it and it shall bloom into blossoms that would cover the valleys." - Hermann J. Steinherr

Kodiak's POV.

"Have you found anything yet? "

" No, sir we are still going through it. It is very lengthy and so far Mr. Flynn has a very strong reason to take his share. " Dammit.

" Call me back, when you find something good that can help us. "

" Yes sir."

I walked into the living room, my eyes going to the sofa to see an angelic, sleeping Demelza(if you are thinking like how you get sleeping beauty, well no.) sleeping with her mouth opened just a little bit on the couch, her breathing heavy, indicating she was knocked out from being tired. There was a big mop on top of her, his pink tongue hanged loosely out of his mouth and his head was down on her lap as he looked up at me.

I came closer to them, Riceball getting up his tail wagging, making Demelza move in her sleep. I for one thought she was going to wake up. I smiled down at her pushing a piece of hair out of her face.

She was now in a funny position, her back and everything will pain in the morning and she will complain and act all grumpy and cranky with everyone. I chuckled at that.

"Off." I told Riceball softly, who barked once and I immediately put my index finger to my mouth, silencing him,his face looking like he was frowning.

He jumped off the couch, wagging his tail and jumping on me.

I picked up Demelza who groaned and wailed one hand around almost hitting my face. Is she dreaming of being a ninja? Or probably of her hitting me. Not to sound cocky. I chuckled enjoying, looking at her. Soon she turned, her head resting on my chest and her mouth opening again. How cute.

Riceball followed us both up the stairs, his paws padding softly on the wooden stairs.

I opened Demelza's and Liz's room door, seeing an already knocked out Liz who had the plush whale, that Jeremy gave her,close to her. Damn, they really love each other.

I put Demelza on her bed where she grabbed a pillow and hugged it, her legs splawled out in a not very much womenly manner, making me crack up a smile and laugh lightly.

I looked at her closely seeing fresh tear stains on her face and her brows furrowed and mouth pouting in her sleep.

I frowned, I don't like to see her cry, especially if it's me that's the cause for her crying. My fingers lightly touched her face and where her tear stains were embedded on her. She means a lot to me and I would do anything to make her happy... But being with her now would never be right and that is one of the things she wants from me and for me to express my feelings.

I sighed. God dammit. How the hell do I keep my emotions for her at bay?

Kodiak, you have been keeping your emotions at bay and non–existant for the past so many years.

Its easy, especially with Demelza.

I feel like this is going to explode in my face.

This feeling of letting your emotions show is a little scary(a lot) yet it is refreshening.

Well I can't do anything to keep away from her since we both, together are planning this proposal for Liz and Jeremy and even after that we will be around each other more when it comes to wedding preparations for Liz and Jeremy and so many more encounters. Isn't this just amazing.

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