Chapter 23

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"I will never be perfect for you, but I will always imperfectly try to be." –Atticus.

Demelza's POV.

" This Is a pleasant surprise don't you think Bumblebee. "

I acted like it actually was but Jeremy had already told me his plan of proposing to Liz to which I was on top of the moon with glee and told him immediately I would definitely help with the preparations and not let Liz catch on at all.

" Yes, I am so excited I finally get to see the red and yellow rose and the lily of the valley, my favorite." I took out a flower book naming more of them. Liz and I have been into plants a whole lot,we both love plants and flowers with a passion. We were both excited to finally see plants that we only saw in books or heard of only.

This put Liz at ease, she too taking out a book and showing me the ones she wanted to see. So far, so good.

Jeremy would only be coming two days from now, he made up an excuse saying that he had to go on an abroad business trip and would only be coming back in a week to which Liz was so disappointed and sad. If you have not seen a real life human koala bear, well step right up to meet Liz, the koala bear.

We soon came to the house looking building that we would be spending our little spree of flowers and plants at. Thanks to Kodiak, he managed to get us this and VIP reservations.

It really did look like a house, there was a living room which was in bright varieties of colors, the color of the plush couches being a beautiful citrus orange and a wooden coffee table in the middle. Flowers were everywhere giving the whole house a homey and bright feel to it. Orchards, roses, tulips, baby breath's and carnations everywhere. I loved it,it was beautiful.

"Shotgun for the big bed." I shouted running up the stairs. Liz looked up running as fast as she could to the big bed but I jumped on it first.

"Mine, mine, mine." I giggled as I grabbed a pillow and hugged it and next a fat Riceball jumped then at last my adorable Liz jumped on the bed.

"Fine you can have it." Liz playfully pushed me then went to her bed that was the same size as mine. Ha, ha ha. Note the sarcasm.

Liz and I would be sharing a room and the rest will have their own rooms. Isn't this exciting? I needed to keep a close eye on Liz and I don't mind because this feels great having a bonding time with her,especially since I know she is going to be a busy and a nervous wreck when planning the wedding. I felt like crying. My Liz is all grown up.

Liz looked at me about to ask something because of my change in mood.

But I was saved when, we heard someone's voice ressurect from downstairs. Thank God. We looked at each other confused then ran downstairs.

"Hello, anybody home?" Alex shouted with a jollyful touch to his voice.

Liz and I went to greet all of them, especially Matt who I hugged the longest.

"Excited?" He whispered. He knew the plan and was on board with helping.

"Very." I smirked.

I could taste, not sense the tension in the air with the people in this room.
Hmm, I wonder why. Matt and Kelly looked at each other then immediately looked away. Interesting.

Everyone soon separated going wherever they liked, most of them going to their rooms to get settled in.

I walked into the kitchen which was very homey but before I could fully admire it, a man In a butler looking uniform walked in.

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