Chapter 45

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"Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.”― Nicole Krauss

Kodiak's POV.

How did she get those papers anyway? The only one who could have given her all of this would be Derek.

Derek... He had another card up his sleeve.

How did he get the DNA test papers I had with me this whole time?

More tears fell down Demelza's face, choking back on them. I felt my heart constrict.

I reached my hand out again but when I held her in my grasp she pulled away forcefully as though I had stung her.

"Dont touch me."

The two old men in the room, stared at both of us worriedly.

"I think we should give you both some space to talk things out." My father spoke up, getting up and I actually wanted to thank him on the spot.

"No, don't bother. Everything has already been cleared up..." Demelza looked away, pulling down the door handle, only for security to block her way.

"Its okay, I got everything under control." Antonio got up waving his hand in dismissal. He pulled me closer to him, speaking in a cold tone.

"I know what you did for Demelza, I hope you don't ruin the chance I'm giving you here because I would have taken this chance instead to finally call her my daughter which I have been longing to do for so long and explain things to her." And with that he walked out with my father.

I don't know how long we stood there but it felt like eternity. Demelza tried to walk out again but I pulled her back, embracing her while she fought against me.

" Demelza stop it. "I spoke lowly but she still fought me.

" God dammit I said stop it! "I shook her.

" Please let go of me, I don't want you touching me right now. "She lowered her eyes, I felt as though I had gotten stabbed and the knife was getting pushed even more in and twisting and turning in me.

" Only if you let me explain. " I whispered out.

More tears fell down her face and I couldn't help but feel there was something more to her tears.

I reluctantly let go of her, it felt like I was letting her go in both senses.

"Yes I knew about Antonio being you father but it was not my place to tell you." She glared at me but I ignored her, pulling out the papers from her hand going through them. I stopped dead in my tracks. Stock markets, Sinclair and Dominguez partnership papers, these were all information that no one could obtain, only the family or higher ups in the business could get them. I knew about the contracts and the DNA test but it still shocked me that she had them.

"Who gave you these?" I just needed clarification that it was Derek.

"It does not matter who gave it to me. All that matters right now is that you have broken my trust Kodiak. You have broken my heart..." She turned around to not look at me. My eyes widened, I felt as though my heart was stuck in my throat.

I squashed the papers in front of me.
The one contract was a complete fake written with complete bullshit in it about giving over my siblings shares over to Derek and it wasn't even my signature on the damn papers but it would seem she never notice that.

" Why would you make a bet on me? Why would you video us in your study? Why would you u-use me–" She broke down.

I stopped my train of thoughts, my brain registering only the words about the video and a bet. She know about the video? You have got my be kidding me, I did not want her to know about it, because I knew her self esteem would be broken and even more her trust in me, as though she would think I planted a camera in my study on purpose but by the look on her face it said that was exactly what she thought. Derek didn't give me all the videos, I felt like killing him,fuck those papers that he signed I would rather kill him with my bare hands. He must have fed her some disgusting story about me.

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