Chapter 6

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" All a girl really wants is for one guy to prove to her that they are all not all the same."

Unknown POV.

I sat on my leather armchair, moving my fingers rhythmetically like those people that direct choruses to the beat of a classic song as I sipped on the delecacy of old and fine brandy.

My, my, my what an interesting day today was I must say. You know I can totally imagine Kodiak's expression after reading that card. Oh, wait he doesn't even show any emotion. How sad... So let's just say what he must have thought.

I am guessing by now he must have burnt it. I smirked happily.


I turned around to look at my PA who was trembling. I frowned. Do I really look that intimidating? Oh well... Probably because of the scar on my face. I thought a lot of women love men with scars.

"Yes, Miss. Baker."

"The invitation to the gala event is here." She handed me a crimson red envelope, immediately scurrying away. I chuckled at that.

My eyes scrolled through the whole invitation. I grinned as I kept on reading.

I think It is about time I made my appearance. Dont you think too?
Definitely. But preparation first. And patience. I have a lot of time for that.

I gulped down the last bit of my brandy, got up and adjusted my suit as I went to go meet a special someone.


Demelza's POV.

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" I whined the whole way back till we both got to Matt's office. Yeah I can be completely annoying when it comes to situations like this.

"Ugh, fine!" Matt exclaimed getting tired of me repeatedly repeating myself. Hey that rhymed.

I finally came and sat down opposite his mahogany desk, balancing my chin on both my hands.

"It's just that I met someone..." His voice saying that was all he was going to say.

I raised my eyebrows at him"Go on. Care to elaborate on that. "I said with a tone that said no arguing and get straight to the point.

" Very well. You know the women I told you about. The one that could not be mines... "

" Ohh, the one that broke your heart?" My apologies for the bluntness in that.

I remember when Matt told me about the girl that hurt him when we were both talking about our love lives.


"Hey there stranger."Matt grinned at me as he jogged at the same speed as me on my morning jog. Guess he jogs at the same time as me. I had just been given the job of being Matt's PA.

" Um, hello Mr. Steele. " I was so nervous around him that I completely felt intimidated.

" Oh, stop with the formalities will you. It's so damn annoying."

I raised my eyebrows at him shocked that he was not acting like those cold, asshole bosses you get.

" Okay? So what should I call you Max Steel. Get it. " I laughed at my joke.

" Great! Ah, why? Everyone does that. Probably my parents got the idea for my name from that. So how are you?"

" I see. Well it suits you sir, I am sure you would make a great Max Steel. I am okay."

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