Chapter 24

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"You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning.” – Unknown

Kodiak's POV.

I cannot get Demelza involved with me right now, I need to distance her and make her hate me.

I am not willing to put her at a risk or in danger.

Derek is not one to make false threats.

I care too much about her to see something happen to her. And I promise and vow to protect her.

I did not want to say any of that to her, that is why when I told her it I did not want to look at her.

Did she really mean that she never felt anything or was it a lie?

She looked gorgeous in that green dress and I could not resist holding her. The way it hugged her curves and how gorgeous she looked in it, I could not stop myself from smiling. Dammit I think anyone could feel the sexual tension between us and cut it with a knife, probably even a sword.

"Excuse me."

I looked up at her, she never meet my eyes and turned around so quickly and started speed walking. I sighed running my hands through my hair.

I got up going after her. Mr. Jones stood there outside the greenhouse watering a carnation plant with a pityful face on.

"She went that way." He pointed to my right.

"Thank you Mr. Jones."

"Don't mess it up, sir. She is a keeper. Your mother would say the same thing." He turned towards me clapping my shoulder and smiling.

I know she is but... This is not the right time for any of this.

Where are you Dem?

I ran towards the place she ran to, hoping I find her soon.

I heard a covered up cry coming from a place I have not been to for so long. A place where a big swing stood in the middle, where my mother used to tell me stories and pacify me.

I turned, looking around. There were benches on each side giving more access to place to sit. Demelza was not sitting on any of them. I looked down, where the roses grew wild seeing Demelza crying, she was crouching on the floor sitting down and her hands covering her face.

"Dem?" I walked up to her standing infront of her and crouching down to her level. She stopped shaking and quickly wiped her tears. Her glasses all misted up.

I held her picking her up but she pushed me, hardly, trying to get out of my grip and fresh tears falling down her face.

" Leave me alone."



"Give me a good reason and I will leave."

She looked at me and started to cry more. I don't like seeing her cry, no I hate it. I never want to see her cry especially if its me that makes her cry.

"You are horrible. You are so horrible, Kodiak." She punched my chest then cried into my chest.

"I'm sorry but you won't understand why I am doing all this."

"Then make me understand."

I sighed.

"I knew it, leave me alone, now." She turned around, walking away. I gradded her wrist turning her around and pulling her flush against me, kissing her,both my hands resting on her cheeks.

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