A Small Little Thank You!

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Okay a little dedication that I really need to make.

My first dedication has to be to all you amazing readers, like of course you guys are first!!! ❤️ Honestly I love you guys and I'm serious about that! (that kind of sounds creepy but you get what I mean😂)

I don't care if you guys are going to think I'm weird, but a huge dedication goes out to all my dogs and parrot❤️❤️❤️to everyone who got a pet/s as well ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I would love to thank my family and friends for supporting me, especially my mum and dad even when y'all kept on telling me to just finish up the book already or when y'all told all the family members which was bloody awkward on my end, like I'm serious! I love you guys sooo much. ❤️

My Big sister Kam2701 who helped me a lot, like damn she is the best sister ever. I am not going to lie, especially since she helped me a lot and actually listened/s to me ramble on like a idiot about my ideas or anything for that matter. Don't use this against me, but I love you❤️.

My aunt who has a big role to play as well, since she told and posted up about my book as well as supported me. Love you❤️

I'm starting to think I am saying I love you tooo many times, so let me just say I love you to everyone one time! 😂😂❤️

Too alllll my friends, when I say all I mean even those that I am not even that close with/to. What do you call people you talk to but they not at the stage of friendship with you? Well to you guys as well. Thank you for your support, love and you sweet compliments that made me very awkward and shy. *I'm an awkward, self conscious person okay, that too with compliments😂, cut me some slack.*❤️


My English teacher, Ms. Tshabalala,who I am still in contact with, who actually encouraged me and always gave me advice when writing. Thank you mam for believing in me.❤️

I honestly feel like I am missing out so many people that I need to dedicate... I have soo many people I want to give a dedication to but damn this whole thing will turn into a chapter, so I would like to say to everyone, and I mean everyone(lol so y'all don't say I didn't put yrll in my dedication.) thank you from the bottom of my heart. It really means a lot! 💯❤️

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