Chapter 22

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"When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” ― Paulo Coelho.

Demelza's POV

When I got home, all I could think about was Kodiak and that kiss and everything. Like everything, everything.

When we finally let go of each other I felt so lost and questions bubbled inside me.

Kodiak was about to say something to me when people started coming outside for a fireworks display, both of us having to go back to our boss or family but before that I kissed him on the cheek.

My eyes widened in this moment as I started to scream in my pillow. Oh my goodness did I just be courageous to do that?...but that flew out immediately.

Was I starting to like Kodiak?

Was it more then liking?

If so did he feel the same?

Was this some type of love,hate thing we had?

What are we anyway?

How is this possible and when did this turn all mushy, in a good way?

As I thought more about it, I finally realized something.

I have started liking Kodiak, maybe even more then that.

I screamed into my pillows, Riceball's head popping out from his basket. I whispered quietly as if it was a secret.

"I am in love, Riceball, with Kodiak." He barked at me as if saying 'isn't that obvious, I knew all along.'

But I don't know if I should accept this.

I quickly phoned Liz, I need some expert advice.


"Meet me at the Starbucks at around two."

"Okay. But why? Wait why do you sound nevous and excited. Oh my God. Are you pregnant?!? I am too young to be an aunt!" She exclaimed.

"Dude, no. I am supposed to be telling you that. It's something else."

"I am coming there right now!"

She cut the call on me. What?

Soon enough an excited Liz ran in hugging me and plopping me onto my sofa with herself.

"So what did you want to tell me?" She excitedly clapped her hands and looked up at me expectantly.

I smiled at her awkwardly shy.

"Come on." She came closer to me.

"I kind of, might of, like someone and probably, maybe be in...... Love."

Liz started screaming, Riceball got out of his basket and barked loud.

"Oh. My. God!Who is the unlucky guy?" She smirked at me getting back at me with the same question I asked her when she said she was in love.

"You are going to be surprised a whole lot."

She looked at me with a knowing look with eyebrows raised saying 'try me' and an excited Cheshire cat smile on.

"It's Kodiak, isn't it." She got up picking me up in the process and dancing and squealing. Riceball went about running in between us wanting to know what was going on.

"Is it that obvious?"I looked shocked that she so easily guessed.

"That is so damn obvious, girl. Like I have been noticing the connection between you both from the first day Jeremy and I introduced you both, well much needed hate but something deep underneath it. Both of Your'll were just too blind to notice Your'll liked each other." She looked at me with a hint of laughter etching her eyes." I was waiting so damn long for you both to already figure it out and everything. So did you tell him? "

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