Chapter 20

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Hello my amazing readers, so we are finally on chapter 20. Yay!! Okay so I recommend you playing this song when reading the book, since I for one think it goes really well with this chapter. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you." – Roy Croft

Antonio's POV.

I looked at the replica of Mielie, Daniella I mean infront of me. She was a splitting image of her, the only thing she inherited from me was my nose and eyes but probably she had mostly my ambitions and likes and dislikes. A part of Mielie and I...

I would love to tell her I am her father, but now Is not at all the right time. It's been all I ever wanted but...

I looked up to see if she was listening and she was very much indeed listening intently making me crack a big smile in a long time.

I remember our meeting so vividly, I telling Demelza(I love that name, secretly wanting to hug Mielie for naming her Demelza.) everything in detail but calling Daniella by her nickname.

You read romance? "

I looked up to see a gorgeous angel infront of me, I was completely awestruck.

" Huh? "

" The book in your hand, it is one of my favorites. "She put her hands behind her back and grinned.

I smiled at her, loving the way how her smiled brightened up the room.

" Actually no. I was looking for a business book. " I dragged my hand through my hair feeling shy for some reason. Which was unlike me.

Her eyes going into one of surprise.

"Oh I am sorry. I-I can help you find the book you are looking for..."  She came towards me, taking the book from me.

"No. Actually I would like to read this." I pulled it back from her putting it with my other books. Her eyes softened in that moment.

"I see. I'm Daniella by the way." She started walking further into the romance section, I followed her.

"I am Antonio. Please to meet your acquaintance, miss." I smirked at her. She turned around her eyes wide with Awe making me look at her confused.

"You are such a gentleman. I thought guys like that only exist in books." The side of her mouth picking up as she quickly turned and picked up an erotic book her face flaming red with embrassment making me chuckle. How adorable.

I tried getting to know her and getting as much as information about her as I could but she was a tough cookie.

"Do tell me what you think of the book." She waved at me as I made my way to my car her eyes showing shock due to the car I drived. Many people only wanted to get close to me due to my name and prestige.

Soon I was finished with the book and I had to fully agree with Mielie on why it was her favorite but I did not have time to come back to the library because of my family and I being busy. We were a proud family with all the wealth and power. We had rules to follow which were very old fashioned since my grandfather created them. They were stupid and pathetic,one was to not fall in love with people who were not up to our status or it would give a bad name to the family and the only thing we could do was arranged marriages for the benefit of the business.

None of this stopped me from meeting Mielie and reading more of her favorite books. The best thing of all was getting to know her so damn well that I could read her immediately. We got along immediately and we sometimes didn't agree on everything. Which was great, we had our differences. I remember the day so well when we gave each other nicknames.

We were eating Mielie's from a stall which was delicious. Mielie made me relax and explore things I never thought I would do or able to see differently.

"I got the perfect nickname for you." I grinned.

She took another bite, trying to say what.

"Mielie." I kissed her forehead.

"And why is that?"

"Many reasons my Mielie. One because you love them but that is not the whole thing. It represents also prosperity and positivety. Also good luck which you truly are to me and so much more and wealth as in you are my only wealth and money can never be more important then you. Harmony especially and most of all promises, which means I will always stick to every promise we make... Plus it's adorable for you since you love using yellow dresses." I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, kissing her lips.

"Aww. I love it. I also got one for you Mr. Sinclair." She poked my chest with a smirk.

"Do tell."

"You will be my sweet potatoe." She kissed my cheek, my face going into one of confusion and a look saying why.

"Wait sweet potato? That's adorable but why? My mum loved sweet potatoes by the way and she used to get emotional eating them. " Demelza started laughing tears coming out from her eyes but a look of adoration in them.

"I know right. That time I was so muscular and handsome. No fat to me yet she still called me a potato. I see,so she loved sweet potatoes. " I acted like I didn't know going along with it, the little information on Mielie tugged at my heartstrings but first I told her the reason why her mother used to call me sweet potato.

"Why?" I sighed.

"Because you remind me of a sweet potatoe. It represents peace which you make me always feel especially when I am a nervous wreck and also problem solving because you always know how find a solution for everything and I know when it comes to introducing me you will know what to do. Also because it represents warmth and happy moments to which I have many with you. "She smiled kissing my nose.

I kissed her lips." Very well, you adorable Mielie. "

" I love you sweet potato. "

" I love you too Mielie."

We were first friends but soon turned into something more. Even more then lovers. What we had was pure love between us and she was mine, as I was hers.

Call it freaky but the first time we gave ourselves to each other it was at the back of the library storage room and the first time we said I love you. It felt so right to say I love you to each other.

I was going to marry her. I proposed to her on our graduation day and she had also gotten a job which made the day even more greater. I was the happiest man alive but for some people  happiness Is short lived.

"What do you mean by that?" Demelza had emotion in her eyes of different kinds and she was so fixated on the story, my eyes softened. I was about to speak when we heard a ruckus coming from the hall. We both looked at each other then at the noises coming from behind the door.

"I will finish this another day. When you have time you can come over to my home or office." I smiled happily at her wanting to spend father-daughter time with her as I passed her a paper with my name and number.

"Of course. I will be free on the weekends, well actually Sunday." She smiled and hugged me. It felt great, like everything was right and I was at home.

"Well we better go see what is happening..." She pointed to the door, both of us walking and opening the door.

I sighed.

Will she be able to handle the truth when she finds out I am her father?

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