Chapter 9

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"Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Because you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes."

Kodiak's POV.

When my siblings and I got to the club we went into the VIP section ordering our drinks. They ordered alcohol while I ordered just a bottle of water, I don't usually drink. I took a sip out of it waiting for a businessman from Japan who wanted to invest in my company to come. He is quite the young entrepreneur.

I saw him walk into the VIP section. I greeted him bowing as a sign of greeting and respect and walked with him into a meeting room in the club. We discussed business, I telling and persuading him why my company was the best to invest in. In the end the deal was sealed and he was on board with it. He ordered champagne saying it calls for celebration to which I could not refuse.

"To Business Mr. Dominguez."

"To business Mr. Ishida."

I excused myself after a while, Going back to where Kelly and Alex were.

As I was walking back to the booth I saw Demelza sitting there wearing a dress that looked gorgeous on her but a dark emotion passed through me:possession. I looked at her hands seeing the bottle of water in it. I smirked lightly. Hmm, she tasted my lips indirectly.

When I looked at her face I saw her trying to cover up the distress and uneasiness written all over her. Did something happen? I cleared my throat showing my presence. Her eyes latched onto mine immediately but she looked away. I could see right through her,something did happen and I couldn't help but want to know what had happened.

I looked at Alex and Kelly who smiled nervously at me. My guess was that they gave her the bottle of water to drink from.
I went to go and sit next to her.

"Demelza." Her name rolled off my tongue deliciously as I gave a nod her way.

Do not worry I am bound to confront you for ignoring me the last time we saw each other.

She bit her bottom lip  absent-mindedly not knowing how distracting it was. She just stared at me saying hello softly.

Alex and Kelly smiled evilly at one another,sometime I wonder if they don't have anything to do with their lives,other then interfere in mines.

"We are going to go and dance. See you both in a bit. Don't do anything x rated while we are gone." Alex said as he grabbed Kelly. Bitch.

I looked back at Demelza, she was staring at me wided eyes her eyes going wider when she saw that she was caught staring at me. I raised an eyebrow at her. Immediately she turned the other side.

I took the bottle from her hands drinking the rest of the water in it, putting it down on the table. Demelza was still staring at me. So much for being discrete.

"You know..." I spoke out getting her attention immediately. "It is very rude of you to stare and after-" I was cut off guard when her one hand cupped my face. What the?

She looked into my eyes and smiled dreamily. Is she drunk? Oh, great.

"You know..." She imitated me giggling at what she just did. I looked at her  waiting for her to continue.

"You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my entire life. They look soo deep and intense..." Her eyes going sparkly and with awe. My eyes widened by a fraction.

"Demelza you have had too much to drink."

"Can cocktails make you drunk?" She questioned. Did she just drink cocktails and get drunk. My, she has a low tolerance for alcohol.

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