Chapter 17

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"Just because somebody doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with everything they got”- Thomas Jefferson

Demelza's POV.

Throughout the rest of the vacation we both ignored each other like the plague, okay mainly me.

I felt relief wash over me when we landed back in New York. I just want to go back home and stay in there like a hermit crab in a shell. I never talked to anyone about what happened with this man that harassed me. I pushed it under the rug and looked ahead.
I cannot let something like that get in the way of my life.

I sighed with content when I fell on my bed indulging in the feel of it. You know what they say you can't beat your bed when it comes to other beds.
Damien was leaving soon and I felt so sad about that, so on the last day before he had to go to campus I called Liz and Jeremy over for a get together and we had a dinner.

When he had to leave, I kept on hugging him to which he sighed, saying he will be coming back for the next holidays. Which was a bummer...

Matt asked me everyday how I was and how was my vacation. I could not wait to get back to working. All I thought about when I was in Mauritius was wanting to get back to work. I am quite the workaholic.

When I went back to work, I had no time to waste catching up on everything I missed out on for the week. Matt was very happy to see that I was back,we both started working on a few big projects also on the hotel that was taking great shape. My attention mainly on work.

We talked about the Gala event that was coming up to which I did not want to go to but this is work so, touche.

The week went by as fast as lightning, the gala event this Saturday. Everyone was so excited about it but all I thought about was this was going to end badly and something is bound to happen, especially with this big events. Once there was a problem where a businessman was having an affair and poof the women he was having it with came to the event and let's not get started on the gore details. Was u being a little to negative? Yes.

Matt brought me to a boutique, saying we should match since the theme was black and red.

I tried on about six dresses, him refusing all and they say girls are fussy. I raised my eyebrows at him when he refused the sixth one.

I finally came out with a dress that caught my eye that was in the corner of an aisle, out of people's eyes, smiling at it. The clerk smiled at me saying I have great taste but why was the dress in the corner like that?
It was a red and black dress that hugged me perfectly and was not so tight fitting, It flowed down to my feet and accentuated my curves and hips. The bust area had an oval shape In the middle showing off cleavage but not too much and it felt like it was made for me. Not to sound cocky.

Matt smiled at me as I walked out, he had already changed into a tuxedo, wearing a bright red tie.

"Perfect. Now for your shoes."

Three women brought in sets of shoes. The only thought going through my mind was 'you have go to be kidding me.'

I eyed one of them it was a red stiletto, the heel not so damn high like the rest. I put it on immediately.
These three women then crowded me saying they needed to do my makeup. I glared at Matt as he lounged around acting like he could not see I was glaring at him.

When they were done, I looked in the mirror my eyes widening. Was this really me? I actually thought to myself I look beautiful.

Matt's mouth was ajar when I walked out, I smiled at him. I actually felt great.

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