Chapter 39

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“Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.”― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Demelza POV.

I wish I could strangle Kodiak right now. It was his fault as well, why couldn't he perhaps be a little bit like a gentleman like Stetson?

Stetson, don't get me started on that sexy cowboy. He gave off the whole cowboy vibe and it was soo hot, especially with his blue eyes. Was this whole family full of great gene's?

Stetson plugged in the vacuum for me as I went about my mission of vacuuming Kodiak's car and when he asked me to give him the vacuum again, I refused again.

Both Kodiak and him came to sit on the verandah, drinking freshly made lemonade. My mouth salivating, thinking of how sweet yet sour it would taste.

"Mhmm, Stetson the lemonade tastes  great." Kodiak said out aloud and I couldn't help but feel he did that on purpose.

I jumped into the backseat, noticing there were more chips then I anticipated there would be in here. How was that possible? Especially with the rate Riceball was eating all the chips on our way here.

I sighed, wiping my forehead. It's just vacuuming Demelza, not a big deal, you vacuum your whole house so don't get all worked up over a car.

Kodiak kept on tormenting me, aren't I over exaggerating, but he definitely was enjoying remarking about chips being there or not while he leaned against his car when he came to see if I was almost done.

"Thank you, Demelza." His voice held sincerity but hell I was a bit too annoyed to take his sweetness into consideration as he pushed a glass of cold lemonade towards me. I looked down at it, it was tempting...

I walked past him, allowing myself to actually take in everything while I tried to clear up my head a little. The house was a two story split-level and inside and outside had a rather rustic yet homey feel with hardwood flooring and wooden walls, but it did not give off a claustrophobic feel as though you were in a small cabin. It was very modern as well, with a huge lounge that had a huge plasma TV, below a fireplace and white leather couches with a red loveseat close to windows allowing the lounge to not have an overpowering color of brown or dark colors. The kitchen was as modern and almost like Kodiak's kitchen but color coding was way different and it was smaller. It looked as though there were renovations as well being done here.

There were many frames on the walls in the passage and even when going up the staircase, with special moments that were captured and encased safely. It looked almost like a timeline with how the frames were set.

There were many embarrassing photos as well, my eyes noticing a teenage version of Kodiak in a leather jacket with Stetson messing up his hair and a girl with blonde hair hugging him. Maybe she was Tessa?

I looked at the other pictures with Alex, Kelly and all the other family members, finally coming to the conclusion that this whole family was definitely blessed and full of good gene's and boy must I say puberty did Kodiak great because when I looked at a little boy who looked exactly like Kodiak with big, molten colored wide eyes that had a huge smile on his face with an apple in his hand, wearing swim shorts and his hair wet, the thing making me chuckle the most was that he had no front teeth besides one big tooth peaking out, as his adorable dimple made itself known on his cute chubby cheeks.

So this was a rough sketch of how his kids would look if he has any, and my word they would be soo adorable. The thought made me smile.

"Aww, man how embarrassing." Stetson nervously laughed pushing a  glass of lemonade towards me. "This one here is me." He pointed to the little boy with brown hair and blue eyes who was taller then Kodiak eating a apple and hugging Kodiak affectionately. "Though Kodiak was older then me, I was taller then him but I guess he caught up with me, since his a few inches taller then me now." He chuckled.

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